KL Terminologi
2.1.0 - Release
This page is part of the KLTerm (v2.1.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
CancellationTypes |
Cancellation valueset, to be implemented in KL-term and FKI |
KLBetydningKoderFSIII |
Importance level codes (Betydning), as evaluated by the citizen |
KLBorgerIndforståetMedHenvendelseKoder |
Codes for citizens knowledge of referal/request as defined by FFB |
KLBorgervurderingsObservationskoderFSIII |
Observation codes for citizens own observations as defined by FSIII |
KLBorgervurderingsResultatkoderFSIII |
Performance and Importance level codes, as evaluated by the citizen |
KLForebyggelseIndsatserFSIII |
Prevention and health promotion interventions as defined by FSIII |
KLForebyggelseOmråderFSIII |
Prevention areas (observation codes), used for documentation within prevention and health promotion |
KLFunktionsevneniveauFFB |
Severities related to conditions in FFB (funktionsevneniveau) |
KLFunktionsevneniveauFSIII |
Severities related to conditions in FSIII home care (funktionsniveau) |
KLGenerelInformationFSIII |
Generel information codes (observations) as defined by FSIII |
KLHenvendelseHenvisningFraFSIII |
Type of service requesters as defined by FSIII |
KLHjemmeplejeIndsatserFSIII |
Home Care Interventions as described by FSIII |
KLHjemmeplejeOmråderFSIII |
Observation codes for the five home care areas as defined by FSIII |
KLIndsatser |
Interventions as described by FSIII and FFB |
KLIndsatserFSIII |
Interventions as described by FSIII |
KLIndsatsforløbTypekoder |
Codes for constraining the CarePlan category |
KLIngenOplysningerKoder |
Matter of interest values to support when no observations have been made |
KLKildeTilOplysningFFB |
Codes that identify who’s perspective the matter-of-interest is comming from |
KLKomplikationskoderSCT |
Codes that indicate whether an intervention had complications or not |
KLKontaktTyper |
Encounter types in Danish municipality health, social and elderly care (note that these are specific to this model, they are not replicas of a municipality terminology service) |
KLMålKategoriKoder |
Codes used to distinguish different kinds of goals |
KLMålgrupperFFB |
Target groups as defined by FFB |
KLMåltypeKoder |
Change values for goals (måltype). Express the target value for change of a condition |
KLMåltypeKoderFSIII |
Change values for goals in FSIII (FSIII måltype). Express the target value for change of a health condition or funtional condition |
KLMåltypekoderFFB |
Change values for goals in FFB (FFB måltype). Express the target value for change of an activity or participation condition |
KLObservationskoder |
SNOMED CT and NPU codes used in Danish municipalities |
KLOpfølgningKoderFFB |
Follow-up codes used in FFB |
KLOpfølgningKoderFSIII |
Follow-up codes used in FSIII |
KLOpfølgningKodes |
Follow-up codes used in Danish municipalities |
KLOplysningKoder |
Information codes from FSIII and FFB (Område, Tema, Generelle oplysninger) |
KLOplysningsaktivitetsOgVurderingskoder |
Codes that identify valid items in an investigation in Danish municipalities |
KLOplysningsaktivitetsTypeKoder |
Codes used to specify which kind of information gathering is conducted |
KLServiceTyper |
Types of services that the Danish municipalities provide which is covered by FSIII and FFB |
KLStøttebehovsvurderingskoderFFB |
Needs assesment codes as defined in FFB |
KLSværhedgrader |
Severities related to conditions |
KLSygeplejeIndsatserFSIII |
Nursing interventions as described by FSIII |
KLSygeplejeOmråderFSIII |
Observation codes for the 12 nursing areas as defined by FSIII |
KLTemaerFFB |
FFB Themes |
KLTilbudsKoderFFB |
Social service (tilbud) as defined by FFB |
KLTilstandADKoderFFB |
Danish municipality FFB condition codes for Activities and Participation |
KLTilstandFFKoderFFB |
Danish municipality FFB condition codes for body functions and structures |
KLTilstandKoder |
Danish municipality condition codes |
KLTilstandKoderFFB |
Danish municipality FFB condition codes |
KLTilstandKoderFSIII |
Danish municipality FSIII condition codes |
KLTilstandKoderForebyggelse |
Danish municipality Prevention condition codes |
KLTilstandKoderTræning |
Danish municipality theraphy condition codes |
KLTilstandOKoderFFB |
Danish municipality FFB condition codes for Environmental Factors |
KLTilstandeKoderHjemmepleje |
Danish municipality home care condition codes (funktionsevnetilstande) |
KLTilstandeKoderSygepleje |
Danish municipality nursing condition codes |
KLTilstandeOgMålgrupperFFB |
Conditions and target groups as defined by FFB |
KLTræningIndsatserFSIII |
Training interventions as defined by FSIII |
KLTræningOmråderFSIII |
Theraphy areas (observation codes), used for documentation within physical training, physiotheraphy and occupational theraphy in Danish Municipalities as defined by FSIII |
KLTypeAfObservationPåMål |
Target measure code, that determines whether the target is expressed as a severity, change value or using another observation |
KLUdførelsesKoderFSIII |
Performance level codes (Udførelse), as evaluated by the citizen |
KLVurderingTypekoder |
Codes used to distinguish different kinds of evaluations |
KLVurderingTypekoderSCT |
SNOMED CT codes used to distinguish different kinds of evaluations |
KLYdelserFFB |
social interventions (ydelser) as defined by FFB |
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
CareSocialCodes |
Administrative/technical codes in Local Govenment Denmark (KL), associated with common use cases across areas or kl-core |
Concepts used for standardizing documentation for Danish postpartum nursing/childrens health promotion program in schools (Da: Sundhedsplejen). The concepts are utilized in the National Database for Children and Youth (LDBU). |
Codes from FFB |
Codes from FSIII |
KLLokaleKoder |
Proprietary codes associated with KLCommonCareSocial, partial list, ID’s likely to change. |
NPUcodes used in Danish municipalities |