Implementation Guide for fælleskommunal informationsmodel
0.7.0 - CI Build
Implementation Guide for fælleskommunal informationsmodel - Local Development build (v0.7.0). See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 0.7.0 | |||
Draft as of 2023-07-06 | Computable Name: KLCommonCareSocialGoal |
Goal as defined in Danish municipalities
In a Danish municipality setting, CommonCareSocialGoal is used to describe all the different kinds of goals and purposes defined by FSIII and FFB. Note that two specialized goal resources exist - use these for “FFB borgers mål og ønsker” og “Indsatsformål” if you want the CommonCareSocialCarePlan to work as intended.
The cateogory-attribute defines the different goals using the KLCommonGoalTypeCodes ValueSet. The goal-type often controls, which of the other attributes that are relevant to use. See more in the section “Bemærkninger vedr. eksempler”
The goal itself is described using and/or Goal.description. The target may either be a severity related to functioning, or a changeValue. may also be used to express the method by which a condition is evaluated without providing specific information about target.detail as described for “Indsatsmål” in FSIII (målmetode). The description may supplement the structured information and is used as primary description of the goal for categories that does not include structured data.
Goal.adresses has an extension (ConditionRank), which provide the means to prioritize the Conditions and MatterOfInterest that the goal addresses. The ConditionRank should be used in FFB to express the condition, which the goal primarily addresses (måltilstand), which is equivalent to rank 1. Other Condition or Information resources does not need to specify a rank. FFB only requires a Condition with rank 1 for “FFB Indsatsmål”, relating more conditions and matterOfInteres ressources is optional.
The goal outcome attributes are expressed as required by “FFB Indsatsmål”, with a note about outcome in Goal.outcomeCode.text, and the informer of that outcome stated in Goal.outcomeCode.extention:matterOfInterestInformer. Other than this, the goal outcome is often documented as a change in the condition. However, this is already handled by the Goal.adresses attribute. For reporting use cases, you just need to explicitely state at which points in time you need reporting of Goals and Conditions.
There may be several instanses of annotation stored in Goal.note.text, which describe how working with the goal progresses. Goal.note should be populated with a time and an author whenever relevant. Should not be confused with the Goal.description and Goal.outcomeCode.text.
Note that FFB, for some goals describe, whose goal it is. E.g. “borgers mål og ønsker” should be documented as described by the citizen. However, the Goal.expressedBy attribute should always be populated with the responsible practitioner. If describing the different roles of the documentation process in more detail is needed, use a Provanance resource and set the Goal as
In Goal.extension:goalRelationship.type.text the string “based-on” define that the goal is based on another more overall goal. references this overall goal. The relationship is used to link sub-goals (delmål) and intervention goals (indsatsmål) in FFB. is used to express the type of observations, that should be performed to follow the goal, E.g. Pressure Ulcer Surface area observations, for goal related to curing an ulcer (FSIII målemetode). has a binding to an Observation ValueSet, which may be extended as needed. If possible, extend with observation codes fra SNOMED CT, and report the codes used to Local Government Denmark (KL).
The FHIR Goal ressource has a mandatory attribute Goal.lifecycleStatus with a binding to a status ValueSet. The whole ValueSet may be used, but you may constrain it, and only use “proposed” for all goals that are not yet active, “active” for active goals, and “completed” for all goals that are either reached or no longer being persued.
Bemærk desuden at denne profil har et eksempel for hver type af mål:
Nedenstående tabel oversætter mellem de attributter der er defineret i den fælleskommunale informationsmodel (FKI), definerer kort den enkelte attribut på dansk og specificere hvilke af FHIR-profilens atributter, der skal bruges til specifikation af indholdet.
FKI-attribut | Definition | FHIR |
målkategori | Klasse, der udtrykker hvilket mål der er tale om. | Goal.category |
målSværhedsgrad | En klasse, der udtrykker en tilstands mål for sværhedsgrad. |[severitySlice] |
måltype | En klasse der udtrykker, om målet er at indsatsen skal ændre eller fastholde en tilstand, og i hvilken grad. |[changeValueSlice] |
målbeskrivelse | Beskrivelse af hvad målet er. | Goal.description |
målSubjekt | Den borger som målet er opstillet for. | Goal.subject |
målAnsvarlig | Den fagperson der er ansvarlig for oprettelsen af målet | Goal.expressedBy |
målrelateret | Den eller de Tilstande eller Oplysninger, der er relvant for målet. | Goal.addresses |
målrelateretRang | Heltal, der udtrykker hvordan tilstanden er prioriteret, så der kan skelnes mellem primær tilstand og øvrige tilstande | Goal.addresses.extension:conditionRank |
målnotat | Løbende notat, der fortæller hvordan det går med at arbejde med målet. | Goal.note.text |
målvurdering | En beskrivelse af om målet er opfyldt. | Goal.outcomeCode.text |
målvurderingsInformant | Klasse der udtrykker, hvem der har vurderet målet. | Goal.outcomeCode.extention:matterOfInterestInformer |
målemetode | Den type af observationer der skal til for at følge med i dette mål. | |
delmålBaseretPå | Det FFB indsatsmål, som et FFB delmål er baseret på. | / Goal.extension:goalRelationship.type |
målstatus | Status for målet | Goal.lifecycleStatus |
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.
This structure is derived from Goal
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Goal | Goal | |||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |
goalRelationship | 0..1 | (Complex) | Goals related to this Goal URL: | |
extension:type | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
value[x] | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |
text | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept Required Pattern: based-on | |
extension:target | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
value[x] | 1..1 | Reference(Goal) | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |
category | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målkategori Binding: KLMålKategoriKoder (required) | |
description | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målbeskrivelse | |
subject | 1..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] målSubjekt | |
Slices for target | 0..* | BackboneElement | Target outcome for the goal Slice: Unordered, Open by value:measure | |
target:All Slices | Content/Rules for all slices | |||
measure | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målemetode Binding: KLTypeAfObservationPåMål (extensible) | |
target:severitySlice | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] målSværhedsgrad | |
measure | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Required Pattern: At least the following | |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | |
detail[x] | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLSværhedgrader (required) | |
target:changeValueSlice | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] måltype | |
measure | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Required Pattern: At least the following | |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | |
detail[x] | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLMåltypeKoder (required) | |
expressedBy | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner | Citizen) | [DK] målAnsvarlig | |
addresses | 0..* | Reference(Condition | MatterOfInterest) | [DK] målrelateret | |
conditionRank | 0..1 | positiveInt | [DK] målrelateretRang URL: | |
note | ||||
text | 1..1 | markdown | [DK] målnotat | |
outcomeCode | ||||
matterOfInterestInformer | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målvurderingsInformant URL: Binding: KLKildeTilOplysningFFB (required) | |
text | 0..1 | string | [DK] målvurdering | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Goal.category | required | KLGoalTypeCodes | | extensible | KLTargetMeasureCodes |[x] | required | KLSeverities |[x] | required | KLChangeValueCodes |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Goal | 0..* | Goal | Describes the intended objective(s) for a patient, group or organization | |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |
goalRelationship | 0..1 | (Complex) | Goals related to this Goal URL: | |
Slices for extension | 2..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |
extension:type | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
extension | 0..0 | |||
url | 1..1 | uri | "type" | |
value[x] | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] delmålBaseretPå Binding: GoalRelationshipType (extensible): Types of relationships between two goals. | |
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept Required Pattern: based-on |
extension:target | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
extension | 0..0 | |||
url | 1..1 | uri | "target" | |
value[x] | 1..1 | Reference(Goal) | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |
url | 1..1 | uri | "" | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
lifecycleStatus | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected Binding: GoalLifecycleStatus (required): Codes that reflect the current state of a goal and whether the goal is still being targeted. |
category | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målkategori Binding: KLMålKategoriKoder (required) |
description | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målbeskrivelse Binding: SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings (example): Codes providing the details of a particular goal. This will generally be system or implementation guide-specific. In many systems, only the text element will be used. |
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] målSubjekt |
Slices for target | C | 0..* | BackboneElement | Target outcome for the goal Slice: Unordered, Open by value:measure |
target:All Slices | Content/Rules for all slices | |||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
measure | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målemetode Binding: KLTypeAfObservationPåMål (extensible) |
target:severitySlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] målSværhedsgrad |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | |
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLSværhedgrader (required) |
target:changeValueSlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] måltype |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | |
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLMåltypeKoder (required) |
expressedBy | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner | Citizen) | [DK] målAnsvarlig |
addresses | 0..* | Reference(Condition | MatterOfInterest) | [DK] målrelateret | |
conditionRank | 0..1 | positiveInt | [DK] målrelateretRang URL: | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code |
Goal.extension:goalRelationship.extension:type.value[x] | extensible | GoalRelationshipType |
Goal.lifecycleStatus | required | GoalLifecycleStatus |
Goal.category | required | KLGoalTypeCodes |
Goal.description | example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings | | extensible | KLTargetMeasureCodes | | example | Pattern: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa |[x] | required | KLSeverities | | example | Pattern: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 |[x] | required | KLChangeValueCodes |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
Goal | 0..* | Goal | Describes the intended objective(s) for a patient, group or organization | |||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
goalRelationship | 0..1 | (Complex) | Goals related to this Goal URL: | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
Slices for extension | 2..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
extension:type | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..0 | |||||||
url | 1..1 | uri | "type" | |||||
value[x] | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] delmålBaseretPå Binding: GoalRelationshipType (extensible): Types of relationships between two goals. | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept Required Pattern: based-on | ||||
extension:target | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..0 | |||||||
url | 1..1 | uri | "target" | |||||
value[x] | 1..1 | Reference(Goal) | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |||||
url | 1..1 | uri | "" | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | 0..* | Identifier | External Ids for this goal | |||||
lifecycleStatus | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected Binding: GoalLifecycleStatus (required): Codes that reflect the current state of a goal and whether the goal is still being targeted. | ||||
achievementStatus | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | in-progress | improving | worsening | no-change | achieved | sustaining | not-achieved | no-progress | not-attainable Binding: GoalAchievementStatus (preferred): Indicates the progression, or lack thereof, towards the goal against the target. | ||||
category | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målkategori Binding: KLMålKategoriKoder (required) | ||||
priority | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | high-priority | medium-priority | low-priority Binding: GoalPriority (preferred): The level of importance associated with a goal. | ||||
description | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målbeskrivelse Binding: SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings (example): Codes providing the details of a particular goal. This will generally be system or implementation guide-specific. In many systems, only the text element will be used. | ||||
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] målSubjekt | ||||
start[x] | Σ | 0..1 | When goal pursuit begins Binding: GoalStartEvent (example): Codes describing events that can trigger the initiation of a goal. | |||||
startDate | date | |||||||
startCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||||||
Slices for target | C | 0..* | BackboneElement | Target outcome for the goal Slice: Unordered, Open by value:measure | ||||
target:All Slices | Content/Rules for all slices | |||||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
measure | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målemetode Binding: KLTypeAfObservationPåMål (extensible) | ||||
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | The target value to be achieved Binding: (unbound) (example): Codes to identify the target value of the focus to be achieved to signify the fulfillment of the goal. | |||||
detailQuantity | Quantity | |||||||
detailRange | Range | |||||||
detailCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||||||
detailString | string | |||||||
detailBoolean | boolean | |||||||
detailInteger | integer | |||||||
detailRatio | Ratio | |||||||
due[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Reach goal on or before | |||||
dueDate | date | |||||||
dueDuration | Duration | |||||||
target:severitySlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] målSværhedsgrad | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |||||
version | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | |||||
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | |||||
display | 0..1 | string | Representation defined by the system | |||||
userSelected | 0..1 | boolean | If this coding was chosen directly by the user | |||||
text | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | |||||
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLSværhedgrader (required) | ||||
due[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Reach goal on or before | |||||
dueDate | date | |||||||
dueDuration | Duration | |||||||
target:changeValueSlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] måltype | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |||||
version | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | |||||
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | |||||
display | 0..1 | string | Representation defined by the system | |||||
userSelected | 0..1 | boolean | If this coding was chosen directly by the user | |||||
text | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | |||||
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLMåltypeKoder (required) | ||||
due[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Reach goal on or before | |||||
dueDate | date | |||||||
dueDuration | Duration | |||||||
statusDate | Σ | 0..1 | date | When goal status took effect | ||||
statusReason | 0..1 | string | Reason for current status | |||||
expressedBy | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner | Citizen) | [DK] målAnsvarlig | ||||
addresses | 0..* | Reference(Condition | MatterOfInterest) | [DK] målrelateret | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
conditionRank | 0..1 | positiveInt | [DK] målrelateretRang URL: | |||||
reference | ΣC | 0..1 | string | Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL | ||||
type | Σ | 0..1 | uri | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") Binding: ResourceType (extensible): Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
display | Σ | 0..1 | string | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Comments about the goal | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
author[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Individual responsible for the annotation | |||||
authorReference | Reference(Practitioner | Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization) | |||||||
authorString | string | |||||||
time | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | When the annotation was made | ||||
text | Σ | 1..1 | markdown | [DK] målnotat | ||||
outcomeCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | What result was achieved regarding the goal? Binding: SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings (example): The result of the goal; e.g. "25% increase in shoulder mobility", "Anxiety reduced to moderate levels". "15 kg weight loss sustained over 6 months". | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
matterOfInterestInformer | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målvurderingsInformant URL: Binding: KLKildeTilOplysningFFB (required) | |||||
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | [DK] målvurdering | ||||
outcomeReference | 0..* | Reference(Observation) | Observation that resulted from goal | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code | ||||
Goal.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
| ||||
Goal.extension:goalRelationship.extension:type.value[x] | extensible | GoalRelationshipType | ||||
Goal.lifecycleStatus | required | GoalLifecycleStatus | ||||
Goal.achievementStatus | preferred | GoalAchievementStatus | ||||
Goal.category | required | KLGoalTypeCodes | ||||
Goal.priority | preferred | GoalPriority | ||||
Goal.description | example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings | ||||
Goal.start[x] | example | GoalStartEvent | |||| | extensible | KLTargetMeasureCodes | ||||[x] | example | ||||| | example | Pattern: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | ||||[x] | required | KLSeverities | |||| | example | Pattern: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | ||||[x] | required | KLChangeValueCodes | ||||
Goal.addresses.type | extensible | ResourceType | ||||
Goal.outcomeCode | example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings |
This structure is derived from Goal
Mandatory: 1 element (2 nested mandatory elements)
This structure refers to these other structures:
This structure refers to these extensions:
This structure defines the following Slices:
Differential View
This structure is derived from Goal
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Goal | Goal | |||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |
goalRelationship | 0..1 | (Complex) | Goals related to this Goal URL: | |
extension:type | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
value[x] | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |
text | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept Required Pattern: based-on | |
extension:target | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
value[x] | 1..1 | Reference(Goal) | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |
category | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målkategori Binding: KLMålKategoriKoder (required) | |
description | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målbeskrivelse | |
subject | 1..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] målSubjekt | |
Slices for target | 0..* | BackboneElement | Target outcome for the goal Slice: Unordered, Open by value:measure | |
target:All Slices | Content/Rules for all slices | |||
measure | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målemetode Binding: KLTypeAfObservationPåMål (extensible) | |
target:severitySlice | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] målSværhedsgrad | |
measure | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Required Pattern: At least the following | |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | |
detail[x] | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLSværhedgrader (required) | |
target:changeValueSlice | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] måltype | |
measure | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Required Pattern: At least the following | |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | |
detail[x] | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLMåltypeKoder (required) | |
expressedBy | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner | Citizen) | [DK] målAnsvarlig | |
addresses | 0..* | Reference(Condition | MatterOfInterest) | [DK] målrelateret | |
conditionRank | 0..1 | positiveInt | [DK] målrelateretRang URL: | |
note | ||||
text | 1..1 | markdown | [DK] målnotat | |
outcomeCode | ||||
matterOfInterestInformer | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målvurderingsInformant URL: Binding: KLKildeTilOplysningFFB (required) | |
text | 0..1 | string | [DK] målvurdering | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Goal.category | required | KLGoalTypeCodes | | extensible | KLTargetMeasureCodes |[x] | required | KLSeverities |[x] | required | KLChangeValueCodes |
Key Elements View
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Goal | 0..* | Goal | Describes the intended objective(s) for a patient, group or organization | |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |
goalRelationship | 0..1 | (Complex) | Goals related to this Goal URL: | |
Slices for extension | 2..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |
extension:type | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
extension | 0..0 | |||
url | 1..1 | uri | "type" | |
value[x] | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] delmålBaseretPå Binding: GoalRelationshipType (extensible): Types of relationships between two goals. | |
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept Required Pattern: based-on |
extension:target | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |
extension | 0..0 | |||
url | 1..1 | uri | "target" | |
value[x] | 1..1 | Reference(Goal) | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |
url | 1..1 | uri | "" | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
lifecycleStatus | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected Binding: GoalLifecycleStatus (required): Codes that reflect the current state of a goal and whether the goal is still being targeted. |
category | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målkategori Binding: KLMålKategoriKoder (required) |
description | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målbeskrivelse Binding: SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings (example): Codes providing the details of a particular goal. This will generally be system or implementation guide-specific. In many systems, only the text element will be used. |
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] målSubjekt |
Slices for target | C | 0..* | BackboneElement | Target outcome for the goal Slice: Unordered, Open by value:measure |
target:All Slices | Content/Rules for all slices | |||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
measure | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målemetode Binding: KLTypeAfObservationPåMål (extensible) |
target:severitySlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] målSværhedsgrad |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | |
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLSværhedgrader (required) |
target:changeValueSlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] måltype |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following |
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | |
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLMåltypeKoder (required) |
expressedBy | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner | Citizen) | [DK] målAnsvarlig |
addresses | 0..* | Reference(Condition | MatterOfInterest) | [DK] målrelateret | |
conditionRank | 0..1 | positiveInt | [DK] målrelateretRang URL: | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code |
Goal.extension:goalRelationship.extension:type.value[x] | extensible | GoalRelationshipType |
Goal.lifecycleStatus | required | GoalLifecycleStatus |
Goal.category | required | KLGoalTypeCodes |
Goal.description | example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings | | extensible | KLTargetMeasureCodes | | example | Pattern: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa |[x] | required | KLSeverities | | example | Pattern: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 |[x] | required | KLChangeValueCodes |
Snapshot View
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
Goal | 0..* | Goal | Describes the intended objective(s) for a patient, group or organization | |||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
goalRelationship | 0..1 | (Complex) | Goals related to this Goal URL: | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
Slices for extension | 2..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
extension:type | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..0 | |||||||
url | 1..1 | uri | "type" | |||||
value[x] | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] delmålBaseretPå Binding: GoalRelationshipType (extensible): Types of relationships between two goals. | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept Required Pattern: based-on | ||||
extension:target | 1..1 | Extension | Extension | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..0 | |||||||
url | 1..1 | uri | "target" | |||||
value[x] | 1..1 | Reference(Goal) | [DK] delmålBaseretPå | |||||
url | 1..1 | uri | "" | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | 0..* | Identifier | External Ids for this goal | |||||
lifecycleStatus | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected Binding: GoalLifecycleStatus (required): Codes that reflect the current state of a goal and whether the goal is still being targeted. | ||||
achievementStatus | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | in-progress | improving | worsening | no-change | achieved | sustaining | not-achieved | no-progress | not-attainable Binding: GoalAchievementStatus (preferred): Indicates the progression, or lack thereof, towards the goal against the target. | ||||
category | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målkategori Binding: KLMålKategoriKoder (required) | ||||
priority | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | high-priority | medium-priority | low-priority Binding: GoalPriority (preferred): The level of importance associated with a goal. | ||||
description | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målbeskrivelse Binding: SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings (example): Codes providing the details of a particular goal. This will generally be system or implementation guide-specific. In many systems, only the text element will be used. | ||||
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] målSubjekt | ||||
start[x] | Σ | 0..1 | When goal pursuit begins Binding: GoalStartEvent (example): Codes describing events that can trigger the initiation of a goal. | |||||
startDate | date | |||||||
startCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||||||
Slices for target | C | 0..* | BackboneElement | Target outcome for the goal Slice: Unordered, Open by value:measure | ||||
target:All Slices | Content/Rules for all slices | |||||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
measure | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målemetode Binding: KLTypeAfObservationPåMål (extensible) | ||||
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | The target value to be achieved Binding: (unbound) (example): Codes to identify the target value of the focus to be achieved to signify the fulfillment of the goal. | |||||
detailQuantity | Quantity | |||||||
detailRange | Range | |||||||
detailCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||||||
detailString | string | |||||||
detailBoolean | boolean | |||||||
detailInteger | integer | |||||||
detailRatio | Ratio | |||||||
due[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Reach goal on or before | |||||
dueDate | date | |||||||
dueDuration | Duration | |||||||
target:severitySlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] målSværhedsgrad | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |||||
version | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | |||||
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | |||||
display | 0..1 | string | Representation defined by the system | |||||
userSelected | 0..1 | boolean | If this coding was chosen directly by the user | |||||
text | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | |||||
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLSværhedgrader (required) | ||||
due[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Reach goal on or before | |||||
dueDate | date | |||||||
dueDuration | Duration | |||||||
target:changeValueSlice | C | 0..1 | BackboneElement | [DK] måltype | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
measure | ΣC | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | The parameter whose value is being tracked Binding: LOINCCodes (example): Codes to identify the value being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. Required Pattern: At least the following | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
coding | 1..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Fixed Value: (complex) | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: | |||||
version | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | |||||
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | |||||
display | 0..1 | string | Representation defined by the system | |||||
userSelected | 0..1 | boolean | If this coding was chosen directly by the user | |||||
text | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | |||||
detail[x] | ΣC | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The target value to be achieved Binding: KLMåltypeKoder (required) | ||||
due[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Reach goal on or before | |||||
dueDate | date | |||||||
dueDuration | Duration | |||||||
statusDate | Σ | 0..1 | date | When goal status took effect | ||||
statusReason | 0..1 | string | Reason for current status | |||||
expressedBy | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner | Citizen) | [DK] målAnsvarlig | ||||
addresses | 0..* | Reference(Condition | MatterOfInterest) | [DK] målrelateret | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
conditionRank | 0..1 | positiveInt | [DK] målrelateretRang URL: | |||||
reference | ΣC | 0..1 | string | Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL | ||||
type | Σ | 0..1 | uri | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") Binding: ResourceType (extensible): Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
display | Σ | 0..1 | string | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Comments about the goal | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
author[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Individual responsible for the annotation | |||||
authorReference | Reference(Practitioner | Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization) | |||||||
authorString | string | |||||||
time | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | When the annotation was made | ||||
text | Σ | 1..1 | markdown | [DK] målnotat | ||||
outcomeCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | What result was achieved regarding the goal? Binding: SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings (example): The result of the goal; e.g. "25% increase in shoulder mobility", "Anxiety reduced to moderate levels". "15 kg weight loss sustained over 6 months". | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
matterOfInterestInformer | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | [DK] målvurderingsInformant URL: Binding: KLKildeTilOplysningFFB (required) | |||||
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | [DK] målvurdering | ||||
outcomeReference | 0..* | Reference(Observation) | Observation that resulted from goal | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code | ||||
Goal.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
| ||||
Goal.extension:goalRelationship.extension:type.value[x] | extensible | GoalRelationshipType | ||||
Goal.lifecycleStatus | required | GoalLifecycleStatus | ||||
Goal.achievementStatus | preferred | GoalAchievementStatus | ||||
Goal.category | required | KLGoalTypeCodes | ||||
Goal.priority | preferred | GoalPriority | ||||
Goal.description | example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings | ||||
Goal.start[x] | example | GoalStartEvent | |||| | extensible | KLTargetMeasureCodes | ||||[x] | example | ||||| | example | Pattern: 66959f77-6e2a-4574-8423-3ff097f8b9fa | ||||[x] | required | KLSeverities | |||| | example | Pattern: 90c48f03-f194-4b2f-ad7d-6cba1069ae48 | ||||[x] | required | KLChangeValueCodes | ||||
Goal.addresses.type | extensible | ResourceType | ||||
Goal.outcomeCode | example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings |
This structure is derived from Goal
Mandatory: 1 element (2 nested mandatory elements)
This structure refers to these other structures:
This structure refers to these extensions:
This structure defines the following Slices:
Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron