Implementation Guide for fælleskommunal informationsmodel
0.7.0 - CI Build
Implementation Guide for fælleskommunal informationsmodel - Local Development build (v0.7.0). See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 0.7.0 | |||
Draft as of 2023-07-06 | Computable Name: KLCommonCareSocialEncounter |
Encounters used for care and social services in Danish municipalities.
The CommonCareSocialEncounter may be instantiated whenever citizens and practitioners meet in a Danish municipality context. The CommonCareSocialEncounters are e.g.
The Encounter.type.coding attribute is used to classify the type of activities that occur at the encounter. More than one activity may occur. Note that it is not the intention that these codes should be documented by staff. Rather, they should be derived from the documentation following an encounter e.g. if an observation is documented, the code ‘observation’ should be added to the Encounter.type.coding. Note that if there are more than one code, they should be added as separate CodeableConcepts, not separate codings under the same CodeableConcept.
It is important in FSIII to be able to express follow-up encounters. In the planning state, these are documented by setting Encounter.status = “planned”, and Encounter.type.coding = “opfølgning”. When a followUp has been performed, the Encounter.status is changed to “finished”.
Encounter.class is mandatory in FHIR. In Danish municipalities the values are used as follows.
In Denmark, the term “indirekte indsatser” is used to express staff activities where citizens are not present. E.g. coordination or follow-up. These activities may still be part of PlanlagtIndsats or PlanlagtIndsatsforløb, but they may not be expressed as encounters. Instead, a Provenance resource may be instantiated, to express the carried out coordination work.
Encounter.period.start is mandatory. Note that “time of day” is optional.
Nedenstående tabel oversætter mellem de attributter der er defineret i den fælleskommunale informationsmodel (FKI), definerer kort den enkelte attribut på dansk og specificere hvilke af FHIR-profilens atributter der skal bruges til specifikation af indholdet
FKI-attribut | Definition | FHIR |
borgerkontaktstatus | Klasse der indikerer om kontakten er igangværende, eller om dokumentationen repræsentere en fremtidig intention eller er historisk | Encounter.status |
borgerkontakttype | Klasse der udtrykker typen af aktivitet der gennemføres ved kontakten | Encounter.type.coding |
borgerkontaktstart | Kontaktens start, eller planlagte start | Encounter.period.start |
borgerkontaktslut | Kontaktens sluttidspunkt, eller planlagte sluttidspunkt | Encounter.period.end |
borgerkontaktlængde | Kontaktens længde, eller planlagte længde. | Encounter.length |
borgerkontaktudfører | Liste af fagpersoner, der gennemfører kontakten | Encounter.participant |
borgerkontaktsubjekt | Den borger kontakten vedrører | Encounter.subject |
borgerkontaktklasse | Klasse, der udtrykker en generel kategori for kontakten, som rækker ud over den kommunale kontekst. | Encounter.class |
borgerkontaktansvarlig | Den organisation der er ansvarlig for kontakten | Encounter.serviceProvider |
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.
This structure is derived from Encounter
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Encounter | 0..* | Encounter | An interaction during which services are provided to the patient | |
status | 1..1 | code | [DK] borgerkontaktstatus | |
class | 1..1 | Coding | [DK] borgerkontaktklasse | |
type | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Specific type of encounter Binding: KLKontaktTyper (required) | |
coding | 0..* | Coding | [DK] borgerkontakttype | |
subject | 0..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] borgerkontaktsubjekt | |
participant | 0..* | BackboneElement | [DK] borgerkontaktudfører | |
individual | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner) | Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient | |
period | 1..1 | Period | The start and end time of the encounter | |
start | 1..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktstart | |
end | 0..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktslut | |
length | 0..1 | Duration | [DK] borgerkontaktlængde | |
serviceProvider | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | [DK] borgerkontaktansvarlig | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Encounter.type | required | KLEncounterTypes |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Encounter | 0..* | Encounter | An interaction during which services are provided to the patient | |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | [DK] borgerkontaktstatus Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter. |
class | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | [DK] borgerkontaktklasse Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible): Classification of the encounter. |
type | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Specific type of encounter Binding: KLKontaktTyper (required) |
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | [DK] borgerkontakttype |
subject | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] borgerkontaktsubjekt |
participant | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | [DK] borgerkontaktudfører |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
individual | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner) | Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient |
period | 1..1 | Period | The start and end time of the encounter | |
start | ΣC | 1..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktstart |
end | ΣC | 0..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktslut |
length | 0..1 | Duration | [DK] borgerkontaktlængde | |
serviceProvider | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | [DK] borgerkontaktansvarlig | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Encounter.status | required | EncounterStatus |
Encounter.class | extensible | ActEncounterCode |
Encounter.type | required | KLEncounterTypes |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
Encounter | 0..* | Encounter | An interaction during which services are provided to the patient | |||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..* | Identifier | Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known | ||||
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | [DK] borgerkontaktstatus Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter. | ||||
statusHistory | 0..* | BackboneElement | List of past encounter statuses | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
status | 1..1 | code | planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled + Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter. | |||||
period | 1..1 | Period | The time that the episode was in the specified status | |||||
class | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | [DK] borgerkontaktklasse Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible): Classification of the encounter. | ||||
classHistory | 0..* | BackboneElement | List of past encounter classes | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
class | 1..1 | Coding | inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency + Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible): Classification of the encounter. | |||||
period | 1..1 | Period | The time that the episode was in the specified class | |||||
type | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Specific type of encounter Binding: KLKontaktTyper (required) | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | [DK] borgerkontakttype | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | ||||
serviceType | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Specific type of service Binding: ServiceType (example): Broad categorization of the service that is to be provided. | ||||
priority | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Indicates the urgency of the encounter Binding: ActPriority (example): Indicates the urgency of the encounter. | |||||
subject | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] borgerkontaktsubjekt | ||||
episodeOfCare | Σ | 0..* | Reference(EpisodeOfCare) | Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against | ||||
basedOn | 0..* | Reference(ServiceRequest) | The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter | |||||
participant | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | [DK] borgerkontaktudfører | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
type | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Role of participant in encounter Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter. | ||||
period | 0..1 | Period | Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated | |||||
individual | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner) | Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient | ||||
appointment | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Appointment) | The appointment that scheduled this encounter | ||||
period | 1..1 | Period | The start and end time of the encounter | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
start | ΣC | 1..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktstart | ||||
end | ΣC | 0..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktslut | ||||
length | 0..1 | Duration | [DK] borgerkontaktlængde | |||||
reasonCode | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason the encounter takes place Binding: EncounterReasonCodes (preferred): Reason why the encounter takes place. | ||||
reasonReference | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Condition | Procedure | Observation | ImmunizationRecommendation) | Reason the encounter takes place (reference) | ||||
diagnosis | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | The list of diagnosis relevant to this encounter | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
condition | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Condition | Procedure) | The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter | ||||
use | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Role that this diagnosis has within the encounter (e.g. admission, billing, discharge …) Binding: DiagnosisRole (preferred): The type of diagnosis this condition represents. | |||||
rank | 0..1 | positiveInt | Ranking of the diagnosis (for each role type) | |||||
account | 0..* | Reference(Account) | The set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter | |||||
hospitalization | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Details about the admission to a healthcare service | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
preAdmissionIdentifier | 0..1 | Identifier | Pre-admission identifier | |||||
origin | 0..1 | Reference(Location | Organization) | The location/organization from which the patient came before admission | |||||
admitSource | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | From where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer) Binding: AdmitSource (preferred): From where the patient was admitted. | |||||
reAdmission | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The type of hospital re-admission that has occurred (if any). If the value is absent, then this is not identified as a readmission Binding: hl7VS-re-admissionIndicator (example): The reason for re-admission of this hospitalization encounter. | |||||
dietPreference | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Diet preferences reported by the patient Binding: Diet (example): Medical, cultural or ethical food preferences to help with catering requirements. | |||||
specialCourtesy | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Special courtesies (VIP, board member) Binding: SpecialCourtesy (preferred): Special courtesies. | |||||
specialArrangement | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc. Binding: SpecialArrangements (preferred): Special arrangements. | |||||
destination | 0..1 | Reference(Location | Organization) | Location/organization to which the patient is discharged | |||||
dischargeDisposition | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Category or kind of location after discharge Binding: DischargeDisposition (example): Discharge Disposition. | |||||
location | 0..* | BackboneElement | List of locations where the patient has been | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
location | 1..1 | Reference(Location) | Location the encounter takes place | |||||
status | 0..1 | code | planned | active | reserved | completed Binding: EncounterLocationStatus (required): The status of the location. | |||||
physicalType | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The physical type of the location (usually the level in the location hierachy - bed room ward etc.) Binding: LocationType (example): Physical form of the location. | |||||
period | 0..1 | Period | Time period during which the patient was present at the location | |||||
serviceProvider | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | [DK] borgerkontaktansvarlig | |||||
partOf | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Another Encounter this encounter is part of | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet | ||||
Encounter.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
| ||||
Encounter.status | required | EncounterStatus | ||||
Encounter.statusHistory.status | required | EncounterStatus | ||||
Encounter.class | extensible | ActEncounterCode | ||||
Encounter.classHistory.class | extensible | ActEncounterCode | ||||
Encounter.type | required | KLEncounterTypes | ||||
Encounter.serviceType | example | ServiceType | ||||
Encounter.priority | example | ActPriority | ||||
Encounter.participant.type | extensible | ParticipantType | ||||
Encounter.reasonCode | preferred | EncounterReasonCodes | ||||
Encounter.diagnosis.use | preferred | DiagnosisRole | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.admitSource | preferred | AdmitSource | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.reAdmission | example | Hl7VSReAdmissionIndicator | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.dietPreference | example | Diet | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.specialCourtesy | preferred | SpecialCourtesy | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.specialArrangement | preferred | SpecialArrangements | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition | example | DischargeDisposition | ||||
Encounter.location.status | required | EncounterLocationStatus | ||||
Encounter.location.physicalType | example | LocationType |
This structure is derived from Encounter
Differential View
This structure is derived from Encounter
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Encounter | 0..* | Encounter | An interaction during which services are provided to the patient | |
status | 1..1 | code | [DK] borgerkontaktstatus | |
class | 1..1 | Coding | [DK] borgerkontaktklasse | |
type | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Specific type of encounter Binding: KLKontaktTyper (required) | |
coding | 0..* | Coding | [DK] borgerkontakttype | |
subject | 0..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] borgerkontaktsubjekt | |
participant | 0..* | BackboneElement | [DK] borgerkontaktudfører | |
individual | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner) | Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient | |
period | 1..1 | Period | The start and end time of the encounter | |
start | 1..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktstart | |
end | 0..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktslut | |
length | 0..1 | Duration | [DK] borgerkontaktlængde | |
serviceProvider | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | [DK] borgerkontaktansvarlig | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Encounter.type | required | KLEncounterTypes |
Key Elements View
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Encounter | 0..* | Encounter | An interaction during which services are provided to the patient | |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | [DK] borgerkontaktstatus Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter. |
class | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | [DK] borgerkontaktklasse Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible): Classification of the encounter. |
type | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Specific type of encounter Binding: KLKontaktTyper (required) |
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | [DK] borgerkontakttype |
subject | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] borgerkontaktsubjekt |
participant | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | [DK] borgerkontaktudfører |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
individual | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner) | Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient |
period | 1..1 | Period | The start and end time of the encounter | |
start | ΣC | 1..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktstart |
end | ΣC | 0..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktslut |
length | 0..1 | Duration | [DK] borgerkontaktlængde | |
serviceProvider | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | [DK] borgerkontaktansvarlig | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Encounter.status | required | EncounterStatus |
Encounter.class | extensible | ActEncounterCode |
Encounter.type | required | KLEncounterTypes |
Snapshot View
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
Encounter | 0..* | Encounter | An interaction during which services are provided to the patient | |||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..* | Identifier | Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known | ||||
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | [DK] borgerkontaktstatus Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter. | ||||
statusHistory | 0..* | BackboneElement | List of past encounter statuses | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
status | 1..1 | code | planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled + Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter. | |||||
period | 1..1 | Period | The time that the episode was in the specified status | |||||
class | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | [DK] borgerkontaktklasse Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible): Classification of the encounter. | ||||
classHistory | 0..* | BackboneElement | List of past encounter classes | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
class | 1..1 | Coding | inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency + Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible): Classification of the encounter. | |||||
period | 1..1 | Period | The time that the episode was in the specified class | |||||
type | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Specific type of encounter Binding: KLKontaktTyper (required) | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 0..* | Coding | [DK] borgerkontakttype | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | ||||
serviceType | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Specific type of service Binding: ServiceType (example): Broad categorization of the service that is to be provided. | ||||
priority | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Indicates the urgency of the encounter Binding: ActPriority (example): Indicates the urgency of the encounter. | |||||
subject | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Citizen) | [DK] borgerkontaktsubjekt | ||||
episodeOfCare | Σ | 0..* | Reference(EpisodeOfCare) | Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against | ||||
basedOn | 0..* | Reference(ServiceRequest) | The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter | |||||
participant | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | [DK] borgerkontaktudfører | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
type | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Role of participant in encounter Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter. | ||||
period | 0..1 | Period | Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated | |||||
individual | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practioner) | Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient | ||||
appointment | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Appointment) | The appointment that scheduled this encounter | ||||
period | 1..1 | Period | The start and end time of the encounter | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
start | ΣC | 1..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktstart | ||||
end | ΣC | 0..1 | dateTime | [DK] borgerkontaktslut | ||||
length | 0..1 | Duration | [DK] borgerkontaktlængde | |||||
reasonCode | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason the encounter takes place Binding: EncounterReasonCodes (preferred): Reason why the encounter takes place. | ||||
reasonReference | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Condition | Procedure | Observation | ImmunizationRecommendation) | Reason the encounter takes place (reference) | ||||
diagnosis | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | The list of diagnosis relevant to this encounter | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
condition | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Condition | Procedure) | The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter | ||||
use | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Role that this diagnosis has within the encounter (e.g. admission, billing, discharge …) Binding: DiagnosisRole (preferred): The type of diagnosis this condition represents. | |||||
rank | 0..1 | positiveInt | Ranking of the diagnosis (for each role type) | |||||
account | 0..* | Reference(Account) | The set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter | |||||
hospitalization | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Details about the admission to a healthcare service | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
preAdmissionIdentifier | 0..1 | Identifier | Pre-admission identifier | |||||
origin | 0..1 | Reference(Location | Organization) | The location/organization from which the patient came before admission | |||||
admitSource | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | From where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer) Binding: AdmitSource (preferred): From where the patient was admitted. | |||||
reAdmission | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The type of hospital re-admission that has occurred (if any). If the value is absent, then this is not identified as a readmission Binding: hl7VS-re-admissionIndicator (example): The reason for re-admission of this hospitalization encounter. | |||||
dietPreference | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Diet preferences reported by the patient Binding: Diet (example): Medical, cultural or ethical food preferences to help with catering requirements. | |||||
specialCourtesy | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Special courtesies (VIP, board member) Binding: SpecialCourtesy (preferred): Special courtesies. | |||||
specialArrangement | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc. Binding: SpecialArrangements (preferred): Special arrangements. | |||||
destination | 0..1 | Reference(Location | Organization) | Location/organization to which the patient is discharged | |||||
dischargeDisposition | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Category or kind of location after discharge Binding: DischargeDisposition (example): Discharge Disposition. | |||||
location | 0..* | BackboneElement | List of locations where the patient has been | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
location | 1..1 | Reference(Location) | Location the encounter takes place | |||||
status | 0..1 | code | planned | active | reserved | completed Binding: EncounterLocationStatus (required): The status of the location. | |||||
physicalType | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The physical type of the location (usually the level in the location hierachy - bed room ward etc.) Binding: LocationType (example): Physical form of the location. | |||||
period | 0..1 | Period | Time period during which the patient was present at the location | |||||
serviceProvider | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | [DK] borgerkontaktansvarlig | |||||
partOf | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Another Encounter this encounter is part of | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet | ||||
Encounter.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
| ||||
Encounter.status | required | EncounterStatus | ||||
Encounter.statusHistory.status | required | EncounterStatus | ||||
Encounter.class | extensible | ActEncounterCode | ||||
Encounter.classHistory.class | extensible | ActEncounterCode | ||||
Encounter.type | required | KLEncounterTypes | ||||
Encounter.serviceType | example | ServiceType | ||||
Encounter.priority | example | ActPriority | ||||
Encounter.participant.type | extensible | ParticipantType | ||||
Encounter.reasonCode | preferred | EncounterReasonCodes | ||||
Encounter.diagnosis.use | preferred | DiagnosisRole | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.admitSource | preferred | AdmitSource | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.reAdmission | example | Hl7VSReAdmissionIndicator | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.dietPreference | example | Diet | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.specialCourtesy | preferred | SpecialCourtesy | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.specialArrangement | preferred | SpecialArrangements | ||||
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition | example | DischargeDisposition | ||||
Encounter.location.status | required | EncounterLocationStatus | ||||
Encounter.location.physicalType | example | LocationType |
This structure is derived from Encounter
Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron