1.2.0 - release
This page is part of the KL Gateway (v1.2.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Official URL: http://fhir.kl.dk/gateway/StructureDefinition/klgateway-care-general-encounter | Version: 1.2.0 | |||
Active as of 2024-10-31 | Computable Name: KLGatewayCareGeneralEncounter |
Encounter for planned and completed meetings between citizens and care staff.
The Encounter may be instantiated whenever citizens and practitioners meet in a Danish municipality context.
It is mandatory in FSIII to be able to express follow-up encounters on Conditions. In the planning state, these are documented by setting Encounter.status = 'planned', and Encounter.type.coding = 'opfølgning'.
Encounters which are finished may also be reported. This can be especially relevant for Encounter.type.coding = 'opfølgning' and Encounter.type.coding = 'udførelse af planlagt indsats'. Use Encounter.status 'finished'. Reporting on finished encounters is optional.
To report errors use status 'entered-in-error'
Encounter.class is mandatory in FHIR. In Danish municipalities the values are used as follows.
The time of the encounter is documented in Encounter.period.start and Encounter.periode.end, and Encounter.period.start is mandatory. Only planned time is mandatory to report. There is no expectation that the staff update the time if they finish a little earlier or a little later. Time of day is also not mandatory. Encounter.periode.end and time of day is encouraged when reporting on finished Encounters.
Encounters can be related to the PlannedIntervention on which they are a delivery. Use Encounter.extension[basedOnCarePlan]. Encounters can also be related to the condition or conditions which are the reason for having the encounter. This is used for documenting the condition follow-up encounter. Use Encounter.reasonReference
Nedenstående tabel oversætter mellem de attributter der er defineret i den fælleskommunale informationsmodel (FKI), definerer kort den enkelte attribut på dansk og specificere hvilke af FHIR-profilens atributter der skal bruges til specifikation af indholdet
FKI-attribut | Definition | FHIR |
borgerkontaktstatus | Klasse der indikerer om kontakten er igangværende, eller om dokumentationen repræsentere en fremtidig intention eller er historisk | Encounter.status |
kontakttype | Klasse der udtrykker typen af aktivitet der gennemføres ved kontakten | Encounter.type.coding |
borgerkontaktklasse | Klasse, der udtrykker en generel kategori for kontaktens leveringsform. | Encounter.class |
borgerkontaktstart | Kontaktens start, eller planlagte start | Encounter.period.start |
borgerkontaktslut | Kontaktens sluttidspunkt, eller planlagte sluttidspunkt | Encounter.period.end |
borgerkontaktsubjekt | Den borger kontakten vedrører | Encounter.subject |
borgerkontaktBaseretPå | Den eller de indsatser, der er grunden til at denne kontakt udføres | Encounter.extension:basedOnCarePlan |
borgerkontaktTilstand | Den eller de tilstande, der er grunden til at denne kontakt udføres | Encounter.reasonReference |
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.
Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron