Quality Checks |
Publisher Version: | IG Publisher Version: v1.7.1 |
Publication Code: | n/a . PackageId = kl.dk.fhir.gateway, Canonical = http://fhir.kl.dk/gateway |
Realm Check for n/a: | |
Publication Request: |
package-id | kl.dk.fhir.gateway |
version | 1.2.0 |
path | http://fhir.kl.dk/gateway/1.2.0 |
Pub-Mode | milestone |
status | release |
Release-Label | release |
sequence | Releases |
desc | Compliant with the simplification of FSIII (Forenklingen), but without breaking changes. Adding ældrelovsindsaster |
descmd | Release 1.2.0. Dependency to kl-term 2.2.0 established. Updated to be compliant with the simplification of FSIII (Forenklingen), but without breaking changes. New home care interventions added, as a concequence of ældreloven. Old FSIII codes and terms are still accepted. A new encounter called GeneralEncounter has been included.
The citizen profile has two new attributes: Patient.active and Patient.deceased. deliveryType on PlannedIntervention has been added. Incremental delivery have been added, so that FLIS may use this IG for data delivery.
No Messages found - all good |
Supressed Messages: | No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks: | Package | Version | FHIR | Canonical | Web Base | Comment |
 kl.dk.fhir.gateway | 1.2.0 | R4 | http://fhir.kl.dk/gateway | | |
  hl7.terminology.r4 | 6.0.2 M | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/6.0.2 | |
  hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 | 5.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0 | |
  hl7.fhir.dk.core | 3.2.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.dk/fhir/core | http://hl7.dk/fhir/core/3.2.0 | |
   hl7.terminology.r4 | 5.5.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.5.0 | Latest Release is 6.0.2 |
   hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 | 5.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0 | see above |
   hl7.fhir.uv.phd | 1.0.0 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/phd | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/phd/STU1 | Latest Release is 1.1.0 |
    hl7.terminology.r4 | 3.1.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/3.1.0 | Latest Release is 6.0.2 |
  kl.dk.fhir.term | 2.2.0 M | R4 | http://fhir.kl.dk/term | http://fhir.kl.dk/term/2.2.0 | |
   hl7.terminology.r4 | 6.0.2 M | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/6.0.2 | see above |
   hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 | 5.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0 | see above |
Templates: kl.dk.fhir.template#0.0.1 -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.2.0 |
Dependent IGs: | no references |
Global Profiles: | (none declared) |
Terminology Server(s): | http://tx.fhir.org/r4 (details) |
HTA Analysis: | Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis |
R5 Dependencies: | (none) |
Draft Dependencies: |
hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1: GuideParameterCode
(15 uses), CommonLanguages
(13 uses), Organization
(18 uses), Practitioner
(16 uses), PractitionerRole
(16 uses), CarePlan
(9 uses), DeviceRequest
(4 uses), ImmunizationRecommendation
(4 uses), MedicationRequest
(4 uses), NutritionOrder
(4 uses), ServiceRequest
(7 uses), MedicationAdministration
(4 uses), MedicationDispense
(3 uses), MedicationStatement
(3 uses), Procedure
(8 uses), Immunization
(3 uses), ImagingStudy
(6 uses), ObservationCategoryCodes
(3 uses), Encounter
(10 uses), CareTeam
(7 uses), RelatedPerson
(14 uses), SNOMEDCTBodyStructures
(5 uses), ObservationMethods
(3 uses), Specimen
(3 uses), Device
(9 uses), DeviceMetric
(3 uses), ObservationReferenceRangeMeaningCodes
(3 uses), ObservationReferenceRangeAppliesToCodes
(3 uses), QuestionnaireResponse
(6 uses), MolecularSequence
(6 uses), DocumentReference
(4 uses), Media
(3 uses), LOINCCodes
(5 uses), PlanDefinition
(3 uses), ActivityDefinition
(3 uses), Measure
(3 uses), Questionnaire
(3 uses), EventStatus
(1 uses), ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(1 uses), ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(2 uses), ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes
(1 uses), Location
(8 uses), ProcedureReasonCodes
(1 uses), ProcedureOutcomeCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(1 uses), DiagnosticReport
(2 uses), Composition
(1 uses), Condition/Problem/DiagnosisCodes
(1 uses), Condition
(11 uses), ProcedureFollowUpCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(1 uses), ProcedureDeviceActionCodes
(1 uses), Medication
(2 uses), Substance
(2 uses), FHIRDeviceTypes
(1 uses), ConditionClinicalStatusCodes
(1 uses), ConditionVerificationStatus
(1 uses), ConditionCategoryCodes
(1 uses), ConditionStage
(1 uses), ClinicalImpression
(1 uses), ConditionStageType
(1 uses), ManifestationAndSymptomCodes
(1 uses), EncounterStatus
(4 uses), ServiceType
(2 uses), EpisodeOfCare
(2 uses), ParticipantType
(2 uses), Appointment
(3 uses), EncounterReasonCodes
(2 uses), DiagnosisRole
(2 uses), Account
(2 uses), AdmitSource
(2 uses), Diet
(2 uses), SpecialCourtesy
(2 uses), SpecialArrangements
(2 uses), DischargeDisposition
(2 uses), EncounterLocationStatus
(2 uses), LocationType
(2 uses), Goal
(4 uses), GoalLifecycleStatus
(1 uses), GoalAchievementStatus
(1 uses), GoalPriority
(1 uses), SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings
(3 uses), RequestStatus
(1 uses), CarePlanIntent
(1 uses), CarePlanCategory
(1 uses), CarePlanActivityOutcome
(1 uses), CommunicationRequest
(1 uses), Task
(1 uses), VisionPrescription
(1 uses), RequestGroup
(1 uses), CarePlanActivityKind
(1 uses), CarePlanActivityStatus
(1 uses), HealthcareService
(1 uses), SNOMEDCTMedicationCodes
(1 uses)
hl7.fhir.uv.tools#0.2.0: ResourceSortExt
(65 uses)
hl7.terminology.r4#5.5.0: ConditionCategoryCodes
(57 uses), ConditionVerificationStatus
(4 uses)
Modifier Extensions: | (none) |
Previous Version Comparison: | Comparison with version 1.1.0 |
IPA Comparison: | n/a |
IPS Comparison: | n/a |
Validation Flags: | On: autoLoad; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent, displayWarnings |
Summary: | errors = 24, warn = 91, info = 0, broken links = 0 |
Path | Severity | Message |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[3].resource (l180/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[4].resource (l218/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[9].resource (l406/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[11].resource (l464/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[12].resource (l502/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[13].resource (l540/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[14].resource (l578/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[0].resource/*Patient/TestPerson*/ (l27/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[1].resource/*Condition/VaskeSigLetteBegraensninger*/ (l54/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[2].resource/*Goal/ForventetIngenBegraensninger*/ (l120/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[3].resource/*Observation/OpleverIkkeBegraensningerMedVaskeSig*/ (l180/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[3].resource/*Observation/OpleverIkkeBegraensningerMedVaskeSig*/ (l180/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[4].resource/*Observation/UdfoererSelvVaskeSig*/ (l218/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[4].resource/*Observation/UdfoererSelvVaskeSig*/ (l218/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[5].resource/*Condition/ProblemerMedPersonligPleje*/ (l256/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[6].resource/*CarePlan/PersonligHygiejne*/.activity[0].detail.code.coding[1].system (l318/c22) | warning | A definition for CodeSystem 'http://fhir.kl.dk/gateway/CodeSystem/LocallyDefinedInterventions' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from http://tx.fhir.org/r4) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[6].resource/*CarePlan/PersonligHygiejne*/ (l306/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[7].resource/*CarePlan/Dialyse*/ (l346/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[8].resource/*Procedure/Saarbehandling*/ (l381/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[9].resource/*Observation/EgensomsorgBegraensninger*/ (l406/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[9].resource/*Observation/EgensomsorgBegraensninger*/ (l406/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[10].resource/*Encounter/NaesteOpfoelgningsdato*/ (l431/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[11].resource/*Observation/VaskeSigFortsaettes*/ (l464/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[11].resource/*Observation/VaskeSigFortsaettes*/ (l464/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[12].resource/*Observation/PersonligPlejeFortsaettes*/ (l502/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[12].resource/*Observation/PersonligPlejeFortsaettes*/ (l502/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[13].resource/*Observation/PersonligHygiejneFortsaettes*/ (l540/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[13].resource/*Observation/PersonligHygiejneFortsaettes*/ (l540/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[14].resource/*Observation/DialyseFortsaettes*/ (l578/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource/*Bundle/TestPersonReport*/.entry[14].resource/*Observation/DialyseFortsaettes*/ (l578/c14) | warning | Constraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DomainResource) (Best Practice Recommendation) |
Bundle.entry[0].resource.entry[3].resource (l180/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource.entry[4].resource (l218/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource.entry[9].resource (l406/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource.entry[11].resource (l464/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource.entry[12].resource (l502/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource.entry[13].resource (l540/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[0].resource.entry[14].resource (l578/c14) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Path | Severity | Message |
Bundle.entry[3].resource/*Observation/OpleverIkkeBegraensningerMedVaskeSig*/ (l167/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[4].resource/*Observation/UdfoererSelvVaskeSig*/ (l205/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[6].resource/*CarePlan/PersonligHygiejne*/.activity[0].detail.code.coding[1].system (l305/c16) | warning | A definition for CodeSystem 'http://fhir.kl.dk/gateway/CodeSystem/LocallyDefinedInterventions' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from http://tx.fhir.org/r4) |
Bundle.entry[9].resource/*Observation/EgensomsorgBegraensninger*/ (l393/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[11].resource/*Observation/VaskeSigFortsaettes*/ (l451/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[12].resource/*Observation/PersonligPlejeFortsaettes*/ (l489/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[13].resource/*Observation/PersonligHygiejneFortsaettes*/ (l527/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[14].resource/*Observation/DialyseFortsaettes*/ (l565/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[3].resource (l167/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[4].resource (l205/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[9].resource (l393/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[11].resource (l451/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[12].resource (l489/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[13].resource (l527/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
Bundle.entry[14].resource (l565/c8) | warning | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-0c1112c3-77b5-4d85-965c-0c26228ec7ef.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-0c1112c3-77b5-4d85-965c-0c26228ec7ef.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-0c1112c3-77b5-4d85-965c-0c26228ec7ef.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-0c1112c3-77b5-4d85-965c-0c26228ec7ef.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-1652f2a9-510a-4cd3-8fc4-8b69d0ffedae.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-1652f2a9-510a-4cd3-8fc4-8b69d0ffedae.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-1652f2a9-510a-4cd3-8fc4-8b69d0ffedae.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-1652f2a9-510a-4cd3-8fc4-8b69d0ffedae.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-3c4919f9-aec9-485f-808a-3f9ff6c95786.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-3c4919f9-aec9-485f-808a-3f9ff6c95786.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-616ce3ef-b7e8-46e1-aefc-ff5bde81b153.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-616ce3ef-b7e8-46e1-aefc-ff5bde81b153.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-616ce3ef-b7e8-46e1-aefc-ff5bde81b153.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-616ce3ef-b7e8-46e1-aefc-ff5bde81b153.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-643c3e42-ab90-4354-9b98-f01b4740d3d9.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-643c3e42-ab90-4354-9b98-f01b4740d3d9.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-89071c96-e053-40d5-8873-105b7bad40f9.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-89071c96-e053-40d5-8873-105b7bad40f9.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-8ec154f2-1429-4a41-aca7-f900e1d3bee2.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-8ec154f2-1429-4a41-aca7-f900e1d3bee2.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestIncrementalDelivery.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-TestPersonReport.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-abc81b1f-b3ba-41f0-9f4b-2fc4df5aaabb.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-abc81b1f-b3ba-41f0-9f4b-2fc4df5aaabb.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-b1c5348b-fe9f-4afc-96ff-8c42b6c6c7ff.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-b1c5348b-fe9f-4afc-96ff-8c42b6c6c7ff.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-cc93afc5-7849-4895-84eb-00bb5c129c0b.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-cc93afc5-7849-4895-84eb-00bb5c129c0b.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-DialyseFortsaettes.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-EgensomsorgBegraensninger.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-EgensomsorgBegraensningerOmkringKropspleje.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-OpleverIkkeBegraensningerMedVaskeSig.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-PersonligHygiejneFortsaettes.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-PersonligPlejeFortsaettes.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-UdfoererSelvVaskeSig.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |
fsh-generated\resources\Observation-VaskeSigFortsaettes.json | Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer |