KLChildren implementation guide, an implementation of FBU
2.0.0 - Release

This page is part of the KLChildren (v2.0.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: KLGatewayChildrenDeliveryReport

Official URL: http://fhir.kl.dk/children/StructureDefinition/klgateway-children-delivery-report Version: 2.0.0
Active as of 2024-06-05 Computable Name: KLGatewayChildrenDeliveryReport

Delivery report to deliver data for each child, including state of the family.

Scope and usage

This model is used to represent the reporting of children’s data from the health nurse prevention program in Denmark.

The report is a FHIR Bundle that allows different resources to be grouped and handled as a collection. Bundle.entry references and includes each of the Resource instances. The valid resources in this bundle are the ones defined in this implementation guide. No others are allowed.

Bundle.timestamp holds the time where the bundle is collected or sent.

Bundle.meta.profile specifies the profile of this delivery report. It should always be ‘http://fhir.kl.dk/children/StructureDefinition/klgateway-children-delivery-report’.

For some encounter types, specific observations are required. This report has implemented rules known as FHIR invariants that check, that these conditions holds true. The implemented invariants are:

  • gateway-children-report-parent-mental-state
  • gateway-children-report-parent-social-status
  • gateway-children-report-support-network
  • gateway-children-report-social-interaction
  • gateway-children-report-parent-relationship
  • gateway-children-report-weight
  • gateway-children-report-height
  • gateway-children-report-head-circumference
  • gateway-children-report-passive-smoking
  • gateway-children-report-nicotine
  • gateway-children-report-nutrition
  • gateway-children-report-communication
  • gateway-children-report-sleep
  • gateway-children-report-motor-function
  • gateway-children-report-physical-activity
  • gateway-children-report-hearing
  • gateway-children-report-sight

Look up narratives and FHIR-paths for these invariants in the bottom of this page.

Conversions between Danish information model and FHIR-profile

Nedenstående tabel oversætter mellem de attributter der er defineret i den fælleskommunale informationsmodel (FKI), definerer kort den enkelte attribut på dansk og specificere hvilke af FHIR-profilens atributter der skal bruges til specifikation af indholdet

FKI-attribut Definition FHIR
indberetningsrapportIndhold Hver af indberetningsrapportens indholds-ressourcer Bundle.entry
indberetningsrapportTid Tid hvor rapporten samles eller afsendes Bundle.timestamp
indberetningsrapportProfil Den profil som dette bundle overholder Bundle.meta.profile


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Bundle

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-state: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-social-status: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-support-network: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-social-interaction: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-relationship: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-weight: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-height: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-head-circumference: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-passive-smoking: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nicotine: If there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nutrition: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-communication: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sleep: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-motor-function: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-physical-activity: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-hearing: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sight: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
... meta
.... profile 1..1 canonical(StructureDefinition) [DK] indberetningsrapportProfil
Required Pattern: http://fhir.kl.dk/children/StructureDefinition/klgateway-children-delivery-report
... identifier 0..0
... type 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
Required Pattern: collection
... total 0..0
... link 0..0
... entry 0..* BackboneElement [DK] indberetningsrapportIndhold
.... link 0..0
.... resource 1..1 Measurements and simple assertions
..... resource Observation(KLGatewayChildrenFeedingObservation | KLGatewayChildrenHeadCircum | KLGatewayChildrenBodyHeight | KLGatewayChildrenExamResult | KLGatewayChildrenBodyWeight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialInteraction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentRelationship | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentSocialStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentMentalStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialSupportNetwork | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorCommunication | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSleep | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorMotorFunction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNutrition | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPhysicalActivity | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorHearing | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPassiveSmoking | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNicotine)
..... resource Encounter(KLGatewayChildrenEncounter)
..... resource Patient(KLGatewayChildrenCitizen)
..... resource RelatedPerson(KLGatewayChildrenRelatedParent)
..... resource CarePlan(KLGatewayChildrenIntervention)
..... resource QuestionnaireResponse(KLGatewayChildrenQuestionnaireResponse)
..... resource Location(KLGatewayChildrenLocation)
.... search 0..0
.... request 0..0
.... response 0..0
... signature 0..0

doco Documentation for this format


gateway-children-report-communicationerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '653c2b0b-bb64-4906-888b-aea6fef3c3f8')).exists()
gateway-children-report-head-circumferenceerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '363812007')).exists()
gateway-children-report-hearingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'a22c4b53-b622-4394-ba13-910a7b0d7b0d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-heighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies ( entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1153637007')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '248333004')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1149101003')).exists())
gateway-children-report-motor-functionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nicotineerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '76891f7b-cf49-4cb2-88d6-728a509eb75d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nutritionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'e61e4dab-54bb-4bf4-9b76-8d991cf4de08')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-stateerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '2c39af9f-8e45-4c88-962f-e7a9e2cd31b6')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-relationshiperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '763c6f21-5467-4713-82fb-716c9d0a1fdf')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-social-statuserrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '58997614-ba43-4534-90bd-10c7e76802f4')).exists()
gateway-children-report-passive-smokingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '28972d4b-fea3-42ec-b2a5-e2a26f79b14d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-physical-activityerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'b331fe02-a781-4abd-b6db-9331d6a69b15')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '01fddd46-ed7c-423d-b191-ffdd977dd61e')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sleeperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-social-interactionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '68605f88-49fb-44b9-b327-86947af6aa93')).exists()
gateway-children-report-support-networkerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '7e7fab2f-278a-4b14-9bc9-efc36fffcba5')).exists()
gateway-children-report-weighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '27113001')).exists()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
bdl-1: total only when a search or history
bdl-2: entry.search only when a search
bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
bdl-10: A document must have a date
bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-state: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-social-status: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-support-network: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-social-interaction: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-relationship: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-weight: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-height: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-head-circumference: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-passive-smoking: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nicotine: If there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nutrition: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-communication: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sleep: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-motor-function: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-physical-activity: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-hearing: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sight: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

Required Pattern: collection
... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant [DK] indberetningsrapportTid
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... resource Σ 1..1 Measurements and simple assertions
..... resource Observation(KLGatewayChildrenFeedingObservation | KLGatewayChildrenHeadCircum | KLGatewayChildrenBodyHeight | KLGatewayChildrenExamResult | KLGatewayChildrenBodyWeight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialInteraction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentRelationship | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentSocialStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentMentalStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialSupportNetwork | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorCommunication | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSleep | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorMotorFunction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNutrition | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPhysicalActivity | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorHearing | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPassiveSmoking | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNicotine)
..... resource Encounter(KLGatewayChildrenEncounter)
..... resource Patient(KLGatewayChildrenCitizen)
..... resource RelatedPerson(KLGatewayChildrenRelatedParent)
..... resource CarePlan(KLGatewayChildrenIntervention)
..... resource QuestionnaireResponse(KLGatewayChildrenQuestionnaireResponse)
..... resource Location(KLGatewayChildrenLocation)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Bundle.typerequiredPattern: collection
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


bdl-1errorBundletotal only when a search or history
: total.empty() or (type = 'searchset') or (type = 'history')
bdl-2errorBundleentry.search only when a search
: entry.search.empty() or (type = 'searchset')
bdl-3errorBundleentry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(request.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch' or %resource.type = 'transaction' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-4errorBundleentry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(response.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch-response' or %resource.type = 'transaction-response' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-5errorBundle.entrymust be a resource unless there's a request or response
: resource.exists() or request.exists() or response.exists()
bdl-7errorBundleFullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
: (type = 'history') or entry.where(fullUrl.exists()).select(fullUrl&resource.meta.versionId).isDistinct()
bdl-8errorBundle.entryfullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
: fullUrl.contains('/_history/').not()
bdl-9errorBundleA document must have an identifier with a system and a value
: type = 'document' implies (identifier.system.exists() and identifier.value.exists())
bdl-10errorBundleA document must have a date
: type = 'document' implies (timestamp.hasValue())
bdl-11errorBundleA document must have a Composition as the first resource
: type = 'document' implies entry.first().resource.is(Composition)
bdl-12errorBundleA message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
: type = 'message' implies entry.first().resource.is(MessageHeader)
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
gateway-children-report-communicationerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '653c2b0b-bb64-4906-888b-aea6fef3c3f8')).exists()
gateway-children-report-head-circumferenceerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '363812007')).exists()
gateway-children-report-hearingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'a22c4b53-b622-4394-ba13-910a7b0d7b0d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-heighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies ( entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1153637007')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '248333004')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1149101003')).exists())
gateway-children-report-motor-functionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nicotineerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '76891f7b-cf49-4cb2-88d6-728a509eb75d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nutritionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'e61e4dab-54bb-4bf4-9b76-8d991cf4de08')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-stateerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '2c39af9f-8e45-4c88-962f-e7a9e2cd31b6')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-relationshiperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '763c6f21-5467-4713-82fb-716c9d0a1fdf')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-social-statuserrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '58997614-ba43-4534-90bd-10c7e76802f4')).exists()
gateway-children-report-passive-smokingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '28972d4b-fea3-42ec-b2a5-e2a26f79b14d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-physical-activityerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'b331fe02-a781-4abd-b6db-9331d6a69b15')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '01fddd46-ed7c-423d-b191-ffdd977dd61e')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sleeperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-social-interactionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '68605f88-49fb-44b9-b327-86947af6aa93')).exists()
gateway-children-report-support-networkerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '7e7fab2f-278a-4b14-9bc9-efc36fffcba5')).exists()
gateway-children-report-weighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '27113001')).exists()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
bdl-1: total only when a search or history
bdl-2: entry.search only when a search
bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
bdl-10: A document must have a date
bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-state: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-social-status: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-support-network: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-social-interaction: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-relationship: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-weight: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-height: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-head-circumference: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-passive-smoking: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nicotine: If there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nutrition: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-communication: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sleep: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-motor-function: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-physical-activity: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-hearing: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sight: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... versionId Σ 0..1 id Version specific identifier
.... lastUpdated Σ 0..1 instant When the resource version last changed
.... source Σ 0..1 uri Identifies where the resource comes from
.... profile Σ 1..1 canonical(StructureDefinition) [DK] indberetningsrapportProfil

Required Pattern: http://fhir.kl.dk/children/StructureDefinition/klgateway-children-delivery-report
.... security Σ 0..* Coding Security Labels applied to this resource
Binding: All Security Labels (extensible): Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System.

.... tag Σ 0..* Coding Tags applied to this resource
Binding: CommonTags (example): Codes that represent various types of tags, commonly workflow-related; e.g. "Needs review by Dr. Jones".

... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

Required Pattern: collection
... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant [DK] indberetningsrapportTid
... entry ΣC 0..* BackboneElement [DK] indberetningsrapportIndhold
bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
.... resource Σ 1..1 Measurements and simple assertions
..... resource Observation(KLGatewayChildrenFeedingObservation | KLGatewayChildrenHeadCircum | KLGatewayChildrenBodyHeight | KLGatewayChildrenExamResult | KLGatewayChildrenBodyWeight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialInteraction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentRelationship | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentSocialStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentMentalStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialSupportNetwork | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorCommunication | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSleep | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorMotorFunction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNutrition | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPhysicalActivity | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorHearing | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPassiveSmoking | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNicotine)
..... resource Encounter(KLGatewayChildrenEncounter)
..... resource Patient(KLGatewayChildrenCitizen)
..... resource RelatedPerson(KLGatewayChildrenRelatedParent)
..... resource CarePlan(KLGatewayChildrenIntervention)
..... resource QuestionnaireResponse(KLGatewayChildrenQuestionnaireResponse)
..... resource Location(KLGatewayChildrenLocation)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Bundle.meta.securityextensibleAll Security Labels
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
Bundle.typerequiredPattern: collection
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


bdl-1errorBundletotal only when a search or history
: total.empty() or (type = 'searchset') or (type = 'history')
bdl-2errorBundleentry.search only when a search
: entry.search.empty() or (type = 'searchset')
bdl-3errorBundleentry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(request.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch' or %resource.type = 'transaction' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-4errorBundleentry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(response.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch-response' or %resource.type = 'transaction-response' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-5errorBundle.entrymust be a resource unless there's a request or response
: resource.exists() or request.exists() or response.exists()
bdl-7errorBundleFullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
: (type = 'history') or entry.where(fullUrl.exists()).select(fullUrl&resource.meta.versionId).isDistinct()
bdl-8errorBundle.entryfullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
: fullUrl.contains('/_history/').not()
bdl-9errorBundleA document must have an identifier with a system and a value
: type = 'document' implies (identifier.system.exists() and identifier.value.exists())
bdl-10errorBundleA document must have a date
: type = 'document' implies (timestamp.hasValue())
bdl-11errorBundleA document must have a Composition as the first resource
: type = 'document' implies entry.first().resource.is(Composition)
bdl-12errorBundleA message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
: type = 'message' implies entry.first().resource.is(MessageHeader)
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
gateway-children-report-communicationerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '653c2b0b-bb64-4906-888b-aea6fef3c3f8')).exists()
gateway-children-report-head-circumferenceerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '363812007')).exists()
gateway-children-report-hearingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'a22c4b53-b622-4394-ba13-910a7b0d7b0d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-heighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies ( entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1153637007')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '248333004')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1149101003')).exists())
gateway-children-report-motor-functionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nicotineerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '76891f7b-cf49-4cb2-88d6-728a509eb75d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nutritionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'e61e4dab-54bb-4bf4-9b76-8d991cf4de08')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-stateerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '2c39af9f-8e45-4c88-962f-e7a9e2cd31b6')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-relationshiperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '763c6f21-5467-4713-82fb-716c9d0a1fdf')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-social-statuserrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '58997614-ba43-4534-90bd-10c7e76802f4')).exists()
gateway-children-report-passive-smokingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '28972d4b-fea3-42ec-b2a5-e2a26f79b14d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-physical-activityerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'b331fe02-a781-4abd-b6db-9331d6a69b15')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '01fddd46-ed7c-423d-b191-ffdd977dd61e')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sleeperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-social-interactionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '68605f88-49fb-44b9-b327-86947af6aa93')).exists()
gateway-children-report-support-networkerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '7e7fab2f-278a-4b14-9bc9-efc36fffcba5')).exists()
gateway-children-report-weighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '27113001')).exists()

This structure is derived from Bundle

Differential View

This structure is derived from Bundle

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-state: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-social-status: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-support-network: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-social-interaction: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-relationship: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-weight: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-height: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-head-circumference: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-passive-smoking: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nicotine: If there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nutrition: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-communication: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sleep: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-motor-function: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-physical-activity: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-hearing: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sight: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
... meta
.... profile 1..1 canonical(StructureDefinition) [DK] indberetningsrapportProfil
Required Pattern: http://fhir.kl.dk/children/StructureDefinition/klgateway-children-delivery-report
... identifier 0..0
... type 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
Required Pattern: collection
... total 0..0
... link 0..0
... entry 0..* BackboneElement [DK] indberetningsrapportIndhold
.... link 0..0
.... resource 1..1 Measurements and simple assertions
..... resource Observation(KLGatewayChildrenFeedingObservation | KLGatewayChildrenHeadCircum | KLGatewayChildrenBodyHeight | KLGatewayChildrenExamResult | KLGatewayChildrenBodyWeight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialInteraction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentRelationship | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentSocialStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentMentalStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialSupportNetwork | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorCommunication | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSleep | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorMotorFunction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNutrition | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPhysicalActivity | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorHearing | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPassiveSmoking | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNicotine)
..... resource Encounter(KLGatewayChildrenEncounter)
..... resource Patient(KLGatewayChildrenCitizen)
..... resource RelatedPerson(KLGatewayChildrenRelatedParent)
..... resource CarePlan(KLGatewayChildrenIntervention)
..... resource QuestionnaireResponse(KLGatewayChildrenQuestionnaireResponse)
..... resource Location(KLGatewayChildrenLocation)
.... search 0..0
.... request 0..0
.... response 0..0
... signature 0..0

doco Documentation for this format


gateway-children-report-communicationerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '653c2b0b-bb64-4906-888b-aea6fef3c3f8')).exists()
gateway-children-report-head-circumferenceerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '363812007')).exists()
gateway-children-report-hearingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'a22c4b53-b622-4394-ba13-910a7b0d7b0d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-heighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies ( entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1153637007')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '248333004')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1149101003')).exists())
gateway-children-report-motor-functionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nicotineerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '76891f7b-cf49-4cb2-88d6-728a509eb75d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nutritionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'e61e4dab-54bb-4bf4-9b76-8d991cf4de08')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-stateerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '2c39af9f-8e45-4c88-962f-e7a9e2cd31b6')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-relationshiperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '763c6f21-5467-4713-82fb-716c9d0a1fdf')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-social-statuserrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '58997614-ba43-4534-90bd-10c7e76802f4')).exists()
gateway-children-report-passive-smokingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '28972d4b-fea3-42ec-b2a5-e2a26f79b14d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-physical-activityerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'b331fe02-a781-4abd-b6db-9331d6a69b15')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '01fddd46-ed7c-423d-b191-ffdd977dd61e')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sleeperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-social-interactionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '68605f88-49fb-44b9-b327-86947af6aa93')).exists()
gateway-children-report-support-networkerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '7e7fab2f-278a-4b14-9bc9-efc36fffcba5')).exists()
gateway-children-report-weighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '27113001')).exists()

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
bdl-1: total only when a search or history
bdl-2: entry.search only when a search
bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
bdl-10: A document must have a date
bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-state: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-social-status: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-support-network: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-social-interaction: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-relationship: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-weight: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-height: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-head-circumference: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-passive-smoking: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nicotine: If there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nutrition: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-communication: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sleep: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-motor-function: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-physical-activity: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-hearing: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sight: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

Required Pattern: collection
... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant [DK] indberetningsrapportTid
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... resource Σ 1..1 Measurements and simple assertions
..... resource Observation(KLGatewayChildrenFeedingObservation | KLGatewayChildrenHeadCircum | KLGatewayChildrenBodyHeight | KLGatewayChildrenExamResult | KLGatewayChildrenBodyWeight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialInteraction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentRelationship | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentSocialStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentMentalStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialSupportNetwork | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorCommunication | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSleep | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorMotorFunction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNutrition | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPhysicalActivity | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorHearing | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPassiveSmoking | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNicotine)
..... resource Encounter(KLGatewayChildrenEncounter)
..... resource Patient(KLGatewayChildrenCitizen)
..... resource RelatedPerson(KLGatewayChildrenRelatedParent)
..... resource CarePlan(KLGatewayChildrenIntervention)
..... resource QuestionnaireResponse(KLGatewayChildrenQuestionnaireResponse)
..... resource Location(KLGatewayChildrenLocation)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Bundle.typerequiredPattern: collection
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


bdl-1errorBundletotal only when a search or history
: total.empty() or (type = 'searchset') or (type = 'history')
bdl-2errorBundleentry.search only when a search
: entry.search.empty() or (type = 'searchset')
bdl-3errorBundleentry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(request.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch' or %resource.type = 'transaction' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-4errorBundleentry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(response.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch-response' or %resource.type = 'transaction-response' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-5errorBundle.entrymust be a resource unless there's a request or response
: resource.exists() or request.exists() or response.exists()
bdl-7errorBundleFullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
: (type = 'history') or entry.where(fullUrl.exists()).select(fullUrl&resource.meta.versionId).isDistinct()
bdl-8errorBundle.entryfullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
: fullUrl.contains('/_history/').not()
bdl-9errorBundleA document must have an identifier with a system and a value
: type = 'document' implies (identifier.system.exists() and identifier.value.exists())
bdl-10errorBundleA document must have a date
: type = 'document' implies (timestamp.hasValue())
bdl-11errorBundleA document must have a Composition as the first resource
: type = 'document' implies entry.first().resource.is(Composition)
bdl-12errorBundleA message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
: type = 'message' implies entry.first().resource.is(MessageHeader)
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
gateway-children-report-communicationerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '653c2b0b-bb64-4906-888b-aea6fef3c3f8')).exists()
gateway-children-report-head-circumferenceerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '363812007')).exists()
gateway-children-report-hearingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'a22c4b53-b622-4394-ba13-910a7b0d7b0d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-heighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies ( entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1153637007')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '248333004')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1149101003')).exists())
gateway-children-report-motor-functionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nicotineerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '76891f7b-cf49-4cb2-88d6-728a509eb75d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nutritionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'e61e4dab-54bb-4bf4-9b76-8d991cf4de08')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-stateerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '2c39af9f-8e45-4c88-962f-e7a9e2cd31b6')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-relationshiperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '763c6f21-5467-4713-82fb-716c9d0a1fdf')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-social-statuserrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '58997614-ba43-4534-90bd-10c7e76802f4')).exists()
gateway-children-report-passive-smokingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '28972d4b-fea3-42ec-b2a5-e2a26f79b14d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-physical-activityerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'b331fe02-a781-4abd-b6db-9331d6a69b15')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '01fddd46-ed7c-423d-b191-ffdd977dd61e')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sleeperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-social-interactionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '68605f88-49fb-44b9-b327-86947af6aa93')).exists()
gateway-children-report-support-networkerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '7e7fab2f-278a-4b14-9bc9-efc36fffcba5')).exists()
gateway-children-report-weighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '27113001')).exists()

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
bdl-1: total only when a search or history
bdl-2: entry.search only when a search
bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
bdl-10: A document must have a date
bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-state: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-social-status: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-support-network: If there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-social-interaction: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-parent-relationship: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-weight: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-height: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-head-circumference: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-passive-smoking: If there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nicotine: If there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-nutrition: If there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-communication: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sleep: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-motor-function: If there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-physical-activity: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-hearing: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
gateway-children-report-sight: If there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... versionId Σ 0..1 id Version specific identifier
.... lastUpdated Σ 0..1 instant When the resource version last changed
.... source Σ 0..1 uri Identifies where the resource comes from
.... profile Σ 1..1 canonical(StructureDefinition) [DK] indberetningsrapportProfil

Required Pattern: http://fhir.kl.dk/children/StructureDefinition/klgateway-children-delivery-report
.... security Σ 0..* Coding Security Labels applied to this resource
Binding: All Security Labels (extensible): Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System.

.... tag Σ 0..* Coding Tags applied to this resource
Binding: CommonTags (example): Codes that represent various types of tags, commonly workflow-related; e.g. "Needs review by Dr. Jones".

... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

Required Pattern: collection
... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant [DK] indberetningsrapportTid
... entry ΣC 0..* BackboneElement [DK] indberetningsrapportIndhold
bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
.... resource Σ 1..1 Measurements and simple assertions
..... resource Observation(KLGatewayChildrenFeedingObservation | KLGatewayChildrenHeadCircum | KLGatewayChildrenBodyHeight | KLGatewayChildrenExamResult | KLGatewayChildrenBodyWeight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialInteraction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentRelationship | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentSocialStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorParentMentalStatus | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSocialSupportNetwork | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorCommunication | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSleep | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorMotorFunction | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNutrition | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPhysicalActivity | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorHearing | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorSight | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorPassiveSmoking | KLGatewayChildrenIndicatorNicotine)
..... resource Encounter(KLGatewayChildrenEncounter)
..... resource Patient(KLGatewayChildrenCitizen)
..... resource RelatedPerson(KLGatewayChildrenRelatedParent)
..... resource CarePlan(KLGatewayChildrenIntervention)
..... resource QuestionnaireResponse(KLGatewayChildrenQuestionnaireResponse)
..... resource Location(KLGatewayChildrenLocation)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Bundle.meta.securityextensibleAll Security Labels
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
Bundle.typerequiredPattern: collection
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


bdl-1errorBundletotal only when a search or history
: total.empty() or (type = 'searchset') or (type = 'history')
bdl-2errorBundleentry.search only when a search
: entry.search.empty() or (type = 'searchset')
bdl-3errorBundleentry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(request.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch' or %resource.type = 'transaction' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-4errorBundleentry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
: entry.all(response.exists() = (%resource.type = 'batch-response' or %resource.type = 'transaction-response' or %resource.type = 'history'))
bdl-5errorBundle.entrymust be a resource unless there's a request or response
: resource.exists() or request.exists() or response.exists()
bdl-7errorBundleFullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
: (type = 'history') or entry.where(fullUrl.exists()).select(fullUrl&resource.meta.versionId).isDistinct()
bdl-8errorBundle.entryfullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
: fullUrl.contains('/_history/').not()
bdl-9errorBundleA document must have an identifier with a system and a value
: type = 'document' implies (identifier.system.exists() and identifier.value.exists())
bdl-10errorBundleA document must have a date
: type = 'document' implies (timestamp.hasValue())
bdl-11errorBundleA document must have a Composition as the first resource
: type = 'document' implies entry.first().resource.is(Composition)
bdl-12errorBundleA message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
: type = 'message' implies entry.first().resource.is(MessageHeader)
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
gateway-children-report-communicationerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then communication should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '653c2b0b-bb64-4906-888b-aea6fef3c3f8')).exists()
gateway-children-report-head-circumferenceerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then head circumference should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '363812007')).exists()
gateway-children-report-hearingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then hearing should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'a22c4b53-b622-4394-ba13-910a7b0d7b0d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-heighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then height should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies ( entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1153637007')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '248333004')).exists() or entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '1149101003')).exists())
gateway-children-report-motor-functionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nicotineerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Udskolingsundersøgelse' delivered face-to-face, then nicotine should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '76891f7b-cf49-4cb2-88d6-728a509eb75d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-nutritionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then nutrition should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'e61e4dab-54bb-4bf4-9b76-8d991cf4de08')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-mental-stateerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn' delivered face-to-face, then parents mental state should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '2c39af9f-8e45-4c88-962f-e7a9e2cd31b6')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-relationshiperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', delivered face-to-face, then parent relationship should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '763c6f21-5467-4713-82fb-716c9d0a1fdf')).exists()
gateway-children-report-parent-social-statuserrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then parent-social-status should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '58997614-ba43-4534-90bd-10c7e76802f4')).exists()
gateway-children-report-passive-smokingerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then pasive smoking should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '28972d4b-fea3-42ec-b2a5-e2a26f79b14d')).exists()
gateway-children-report-physical-activityerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then physical activity should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = 'b331fe02-a781-4abd-b6db-9331d6a69b15')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '01fddd46-ed7c-423d-b191-ffdd977dd61e')).exists()
gateway-children-report-sleeperrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then sleep should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '73f981f8-455a-4158-b435-7c6d83ab84da')).exists()
gateway-children-report-social-interactionerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then social interaction should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '68605f88-49fb-44b9-b327-86947af6aa93')).exists()
gateway-children-report-support-networkerrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Graviditetsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg' delivered face-to-face, then support network should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = 'd3c00541-f1d3-4c43-b5fc-16e8914ca1df' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '7e7fab2f-278a-4b14-9bc9-efc36fffcba5')).exists()
gateway-children-report-weighterrorBundleIf there is an encounter of type 'Barselsbesøg', 'Etableringsbesøg', 'Andet besøg inden første måned', 'Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 4-6 måneder gamle barn', 'Besøg hos det 8-11 måneder gamle barn', 'Indskolingsundersøgelse', 'Undersøgelse i mellemtrin, med måling', 'Udskolingsundersøgelse', delivered face-to-face, then weight should be included in the bundle
: entry.select((resource as Encounter).where( (type.coding.code = '7d35a193-e808-4e77-b361-6c0d114d021f' or type.coding.code = 'b4bf6058-502a-4d64-bb8e-369661f43b47' or type.coding.code = '563c4174-f451-4c87-8db8-8d5472ca7ff6' or type.coding.code = '51f30d1c-d60e-4e3e-ac22-ec9712ea962d' or type.coding.code = '58ff370b-a775-4bec-b24a-91604e0a5fe7' or type.coding.code = '3f3e6489-31bd-44cf-9920-3c632868feb7' or type.coding.code = 'c06ed6f1-be9d-460e-a45e-34821bcbd533' or type.coding.code = 'd01bcb90-2b29-44f4-834c-191d6dd4a08a' or type.coding.code = 'dd766967-4d02-4c17-8ed3-021852785fdf') and (class.code = 'HH' or class.code = 'AMB'))).exists() implies entry.select((resource as Observation).code.coding.where(code = '27113001')).exists()

This structure is derived from Bundle


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