KLChildren implementation guide, an implementation of FBU
2.1.0 - Release

This page is part of the KLChildren (v2.1.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: 84cf4f74-0cc7-47fe-8301-3bc8eb0ddd8f

Generated Narrative: Bundle 84cf4f74-0cc7-47fe-8301-3bc8eb0ddd8f

Bundle 84cf4f74-0cc7-47fe-8301-3bc8eb0ddd8f of type collection

Entry 1 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Patient/e60106e2-413e-46c5-8a3f-62d8e77ce794

Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient e60106e2-413e-46c5-8a3f-62d8e77ce794

Anonymous Patient (no stated gender), DoB Unknown ( urn:oid: (use: official, ))

  • Managing Organization: Identifier: urn:oid: (use: official, )

Entry 2 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Encounter/78742a92-91b1-489f-9fea-6901f6d0b34b

Resource Encounter:

Generated Narrative: Encounter 78742a92-91b1-489f-9fea-6901f6d0b34b

status: completed

class: home health

type: Andet besøg inden første måned

subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000

Entry 3 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/a85a7271-1838-4b93-ad2e-8a115a91fff7

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation a85a7271-1838-4b93-ad2e-8a115a91fff7

status: Final

category: Vital Signs

code: Body weight

subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000

encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-06-02 23:25:12+0000

effective: 2020-06-01

value: 4150 g (Details: UCUM codeg = 'g')

Entry 4 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/f1bc69fc-c059-4b3a-8277-e45e985f74d6

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation f1bc69fc-c059-4b3a-8277-e45e985f74d6

status: Final

category: Vital Signs

code: Recumbent body height (observable entity)

subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000

encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-06-02 23:25:12+0000

effective: 2020-06-01

value: 53.5 cm (Details: UCUM codecm = 'cm')

Entry 5 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/f71f887e-cf4b-44fc-b211-76230e56f5cd

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation f71f887e-cf4b-44fc-b211-76230e56f5cd

status: Final

category: Vital Signs

code: Head Occipital-frontal circumference

subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000

encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-06-02 23:25:12+0000

effective: 2020-06-01

value: 36.5 cm (Details: UCUM codecm = 'cm')

Entry 6 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/44655dde-e380-4df2-8bea-b3e64a18d49f

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation 44655dde-e380-4df2-8bea-b3e64a18d49f

status: Final

code: Infant feeding method

subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000

encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-06-02 23:25:12+0000

effective: 2020-06-01

value: Fuldamning, inklusiv modermælk på flaske

Entry 7 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/e10d5d17-9f63-41ca-96b9-f43caee79efb

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation e10d5d17-9f63-41ca-96b9-f43caee79efb

status: Final

code: Forældre-barn-relation

subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000

encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-06-02 23:25:12+0000

effective: 2020-06-01

value: Velfungerende forældre-barn-relation

Entry 8 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/0db05d8b-00b9-4125-8cb1-2edc064394a4

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation 0db05d8b-00b9-4125-8cb1-2edc064394a4

status: Final

code: Kommunikation

subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000

encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-06-02 23:25:12+0000

effective: 2020-06-01

value: Kommunikerer alderssvarende