KLChildren implementation guide, an implementation of FBU
2.1.0 - Release
This page is part of the KLChildren (v2.1.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: Bundle 567a4d32-b3eb-46d6-8564-c7c2a1a1b903
Bundle 567a4d32-b3eb-46d6-8564-c7c2a1a1b903 of type collection
Entry 1 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Patient/fa03ee6c-e38a-44cf-8ef4-79f8ea91b3b8
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient fa03ee6c-e38a-44cf-8ef4-79f8ea91b3b8
Anonymous Patient (no stated gender), DoB Unknown ( urn:oid: (use: official, ))
- Managing Organization: Identifier:
/451000016003 (use: official, )- Also see: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
Entry 2 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Patient/e2cbbca1-ac3d-4bb1-b43b-c0d62b48b33a
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient e2cbbca1-ac3d-4bb1-b43b-c0d62b48b33a
Anonymous Patient (no stated gender), DoB Unknown ( urn:oid: (use: official, ))
- Managing Organization: Identifier:
/451000016003 (use: official, )- Also see: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
Entry 3 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Patient/e60106e2-413e-46c5-8a3f-62d8e77ce794
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient e60106e2-413e-46c5-8a3f-62d8e77ce794
Anonymous Patient (no stated gender), DoB Unknown ( urn:oid: (use: official, ))
Active: true Links:
- Managing Organization: Identifier:
/451000016003 (use: official, )
Entry 4 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/RelatedPerson/a4b064a0-7fdd-467f-81cc-d1575b52b7f8
Resource RelatedPerson:
Generated Narrative: RelatedPerson a4b064a0-7fdd-467f-81cc-d1575b52b7f8
patient: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
relationship: parent
Entry 5 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/RelatedPerson/e9704ba6-f6ca-46b1-9d19-d9b4bcdc864c
Resource RelatedPerson:
Generated Narrative: RelatedPerson e9704ba6-f6ca-46b1-9d19-d9b4bcdc864c
patient: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
relationship: parent
Entry 6 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Encounter/d84ae0c1-4054-476d-950a-993aa1de3320
Resource Encounter:
Generated Narrative: Encounter d84ae0c1-4054-476d-950a-993aa1de3320
status: completed
class: home health
type: Besøg hos det ca. 2 måneder gamle barn
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
Entry 7 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/QuestionnaireResponse/e95e75ea-bef7-4b37-bc38-6cb7b4d3a7df
Resource QuestionnaireResponse:
Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse e95e75ea-bef7-4b37-bc38-6cb7b4d3a7df
LinkID Text Definition Answer e95e75ea-bef7-4b37-bc38-6cb7b4d3a7df
Questionnaire:KLGatewayChildrenEPDS 1humor
0 2happiness
2 3blame
3 4worry
1 5anxious
2 6grow
1 7sleep
1 8sad
3 9cry
2 10harm
0 score
15 Documentation for this format
Entry 8 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/QuestionnaireResponse/6b1b28f3-f2f2-4f81-b840-b9aaf6a3fa9d
Resource QuestionnaireResponse:
Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse 6b1b28f3-f2f2-4f81-b840-b9aaf6a3fa9d
LinkID Text Definition Answer 6b1b28f3-f2f2-4f81-b840-b9aaf6a3fa9d
Questionnaire:KLGatewayChildrenEPDS 1humor
0 2happiness
0 3blame
0 4worry
1 5anxious
0 6grow
1 7sleep
1 8sad
0 9cry
0 10harm
0 score
2 Documentation for this format
Entry 9 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/36d31f74-0835-474d-825b-d37562cfaa0a
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 36d31f74-0835-474d-825b-d37562cfaa0a
status: Final
code: Forælders psykiske tilstand
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Psykisk reaktion
Entry 10 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/620b137a-344a-46b4-b806-899744d927e9
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 620b137a-344a-46b4-b806-899744d927e9
status: Final
code: Clinical history/examination observable (observable entity)
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Nedtrykthed
Entry 11 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/78dd76e4-3480-46ce-83d7-e81d4898bd52
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 78dd76e4-3480-46ce-83d7-e81d4898bd52
status: Final
code: Clinical history/examination observable (observable entity)
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Depressive ledsagesymptomer
Entry 12 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/ea3dd374-c0b8-4a5b-a55b-6f875250410d
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation ea3dd374-c0b8-4a5b-a55b-6f875250410d
status: Final
code: Forælders psykiske tilstand
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Forventelig psykisk reaktion
Entry 13 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/af086f37-4784-42b0-bbfe-9517a8c4f910
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation af086f37-4784-42b0-bbfe-9517a8c4f910
status: Final
code: Forældre-barn-relation
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Let påvirket forældre-barn-relation
Entry 14 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/5f4dbe28-6fef-4c8d-92fd-5845cccdc10c
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 5f4dbe28-6fef-4c8d-92fd-5845cccdc10c
status: Final
code: Clinical history/examination observable (observable entity)
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Følelsesmæssige behov opfyldes ikke
Entry 15 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/fbc991ff-39f3-414d-ae56-cc09f1191902
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation fbc991ff-39f3-414d-ae56-cc09f1191902
status: Final
code: Social kontakt
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Udfordring i social kontakt
Entry 16 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/322439d1-6b40-457f-899f-79f3aa71465f
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 322439d1-6b40-457f-899f-79f3aa71465f
status: Final
code: Clinical history/examination observable (observable entity)
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Græder meget
Entry 17 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/36003d32-79f2-4e49-aaad-b90361eff393
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 36003d32-79f2-4e49-aaad-b90361eff393
status: Final
code: Clinical history/examination observable (observable entity)
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Afvigende øjenkontakt
Entry 18 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/c7a83370-eb45-40b1-af81-7340a640cc20
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation c7a83370-eb45-40b1-af81-7340a640cc20
status: Final
code: Infant feeding method
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Fuldamning, inklusiv modermælk på flaske
Entry 19 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/23430a7d-2310-45d5-9e62-0d210c309a26
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 23430a7d-2310-45d5-9e62-0d210c309a26
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Body weight
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: 5100 g (Details: UCUM codeg = 'g')
Entry 20 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/27a28610-3637-4042-a00f-2a183c743848
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 27a28610-3637-4042-a00f-2a183c743848
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Recumbent body height (observable entity)
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: 57 cm (Details: UCUM codecm = 'cm')
Entry 21 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/dc5df970-dcd3-4171-8c45-aa9aed1b7ac3
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation dc5df970-dcd3-4171-8c45-aa9aed1b7ac3
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Head Occipital-frontal circumference
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: 38 cm (Details: UCUM codecm = 'cm')
Entry 22 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/8786751e-5d85-48c2-aade-3a9d321956ed
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 8786751e-5d85-48c2-aade-3a9d321956ed
status: Final
code: Kommunikation
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Kommunikerer alderssvarende
Entry 23 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/Observation/4e533431-661c-4be3-ac6b-fc2736527340
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 4e533431-661c-4be3-ac6b-fc2736527340
status: Final
code: Søvn
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
encounter: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
effective: 2020-07-07
value: Søvn med normale variationer
Entry 24 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/CarePlan/64c5d9f1-1647-4ed0-9f61-172a0c96ecc1
Resource CarePlan:
Generated Narrative: CarePlan 64c5d9f1-1647-4ed0-9f61-172a0c96ecc1
status: Active
intent: Plan
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
period: 2020-07-07 --> (ongoing)
Entry 25 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/CarePlan/39c7eccc-4cc4-496a-8664-ab73017edb58
Resource CarePlan:
Generated Narrative: CarePlan 39c7eccc-4cc4-496a-8664-ab73017edb58
status: Active
intent: Plan
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
period: 2020-07-07 --> (ongoing)
Entry 26 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/CarePlan/d3df60d0-4380-43b4-8d15-2e3fb3b4c50a
Resource CarePlan:
Generated Narrative: CarePlan d3df60d0-4380-43b4-8d15-2e3fb3b4c50a
status: Active
intent: Plan
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
period: 2020-07-07 --> (ongoing)
Entry 27 - fullUrl = https://test.fhir.dk/CarePlan/6122356d-a611-4660-8b0f-c86185f465f8
Resource CarePlan:
Generated Narrative: CarePlan 6122356d-a611-4660-8b0f-c86185f465f8
status: Active
intent: Plan
subject: Bundle: type = collection; timestamp = 2020-07-07 23:25:12+0000
period: 2020-07-07 --> (ongoing)