2.0.0 - Release

This page is part of the KLGatewayRehab (v2.0.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: KLGateway140PlannedIntervention

Official URL: http://fhir.kl.dk/rehab/StructureDefinition/klgateway-140-planned-intervention Version: 2.0.0
Active as of 2024-06-14 Computable Name: KLGateway140PlannedIntervention

Planned interventions for §140 rehabilitation in Danish Municipalities.

Scope and usage

The PlannedIntervention for §140 is used whenever a rehabilitation intervention is planned for a citizen in Danish municipalities.

CarePlan.activity.detail.code.coding holds the intervention code, which has to come from FSIII. Some interventions can be delivered in a group or individually. The code should be chosen accordingly.

It is important to distiguish correctly between the dates and times stated in the model. CarePlan.period.start is when the PlannedIntervention was authorized (bevillingstid). The planned end-date is CarePlan.period.end, unless the date has already occured and the status is ‘completed’, then it is the actual end-date. Notice that end-date is not madatory to report. All dates may be repported with or without time of day.

CarePlan.status and CarePlan.intent are mandatory in the FHIR CarePlan resource. CarePlan.intent is always ‘plan’ in this implementation guide. CarePlan status should be either ‘unknown’, ‘entered-in-error’, or the status of the intervention at the time of reporting. Note that the meaning of ‘active’ is “ready to be acted upon”, so it does not signify that the first activity has occured.

CarePlan.activity.detail.status is also mandatory, and all the statuses in the FHIR ValueSet may be used, however ‘unknown’ is permitted from the time where the intervention occurs in the record until its completion. It is recommended not to use ‘entered-in-error’ - if the CarePlan is entered-in-error use CarePlan.status. The codes detailing ‘Aktivt fravalg’ are not mandatory to report.

The CarePlan.extension[basedOnServiceRequest] points to the ServiceRequest (GGOP) which was the starting point for the intervention. It may happen that an intervention has two ServiceRequests as a starting point. Imagine that a citizen has gotten a hip replacement, has been dicharges from the hospital and has started rehabilitation. Then the citizen falls and gets re-admitted to the hospital. At discharge, a new ServiceRequest is send, but because the damage was small, the municipality intervention preceeds as planned. In this case, change CarePlan.activity.reference from the later, to the newer ServiceRequest. If the patient is admitted for a longer time, so that the intervention changes i.e. the citizen starts over in group based training, cancel the ealier intervention, and start a new one pertaining to the new ServiceRequest. If two different ServiceRequests results in two different interventions (e.g. hip replacement rehabilitation and shoulder rehabilitation), all serviceRequests and interventions exists in parallel, but should reference each other correctly (e.g shoulder GGOP to shoulder training and hip GGOP to mobility training).

CarePlan.subject references the citizen. CarePlan.activity.detail.performer is the organisation that carries out the intervention (leverandør).

CarePlan.activity.detail.reasonReference holds the link between conditions and interventions. It is optional to report.

CarePlan.basedOn referes to the care-pathway or plan, that this intervention is part of. It is mandatory to report for plannend interventions with a treatment focus. See which intervention codes appply in the invariant klgateway-140-intervention-1. It is optional for Interventions of type ‘Opfølgning’.

activity.detail.extension[deliveryType] details whether the intervention is delivered in a group or individually.

Conversions between Danish information model and FHIR-profile

Nedenstående tabel oversætter mellem de attributter der er defineret i den fælleskommunale informationsmodel (FKI), definerer kort den enkelte attribut på dansk og specificere hvilke af FHIR-profilens atributter der skal bruges til specifikation af indholdet

FKI-attribut Definition FHIR
indsatsskode Udtrykker hvilken klasse indsatsen tilhører. CarePlan.activity.detail.code.coding
indsatsbevillingstid Tidspunktet for hvornår indsatsen er bevilget CarePlan.period.start
indsatsafslutningstid Tidspunktet for hvornår indsatsen er afsluttet, eller planlægges afsluttet CarePlan.period.end
indsatsstatus Indikerer om indsatsplanen er klar til at blive handlet på, om dokumentationen repræsentere en fremtidig intention eller er historisk. CarePlan.status
indsatshensigt Indikerer niveauet af autorisation og hvor langt i planlægningen indsatsen er CarePlan.intent
indsatsAktivitetsstatus Indikerer om indsatsen er igangsat, eller om den ikke er startet, er aflyst, eller er færdiggjort CarePlan.activity.detail.status
indsatsAnledning Den henvendelse/henvisning, der er anledning til, at denne indsats igangsættes extension:basedOnServiceRequest
indsatsleverandør Organisation, der har ansvaret for at udføre den planlagte indsats CarePlan.activity.detail.performer
indsatssubjekt Den borger som den planlagte indsats retter sig mod CarePlan.subject
indsatsbegrundelse Tilstand som indsatsen rettes mod CarePlan.activity.detail.reasonReference
indsatsDelAfPlan Det indsatsforløb, som denne indsats er en del af CarePlan.basedOn
indsatsLeveringstype Type der beskriver om indsatsen leveres individuelt eller gruppebaseret activity.detail.extension:deliveryType


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from CarePlan

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CarePlan C 0..* CarePlan Healthcare plan for patient or group
klgateway-140-intervention-1: has a reference to careplan if the intervention is a certain type of training
klgateway-140-intervention-2: does not have a reference to careplan if the intervention is a certain type of intervention
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... basedOnServiceRequest 0..1 (Complex) [DK] indsatsAnledning
URL: http://fhir.kl.dk/rehab/StructureDefinition/BasedOnServiceRequestExtension
..... value[x] 1..1 Reference(KLGateway140ServiceRequest) {b} Value of extension
... identifier 0..0
... instantiatesCanonical 0..0
... basedOn 0..1 Reference(KLGateway140care-plan) {b} [DK] indsatsDelAfPlan
... replaces 0..0
... partOf 0..0
... status 1..1 code [DK] indsatsstatus
... intent 1..1 code [DK] indsatshensigt
Required Pattern: plan
... category 0..0
... title 0..0
... description 0..0
... subject 1..1 Reference(KLGateway140Citizen) {b} [DK] indsatssubjekt
... encounter 0..0
... period 1..1 Period Time period plan covers
.... start 1..1 dateTime [DK] indsatsbevillingstid
.... end 0..1 dateTime [DK] indsatsafslutningstid
... created 0..0
... author 0..0
... contributor 0..0
... careTeam 0..0
... addresses 0..0
... supportingInfo 0..0
... goal 0..0
... activity 1..1 BackboneElement Action to occur as part of plan
.... outcomeCodeableConcept 0..0
.... outcomeReference 0..0
.... progress 0..0
.... reference 0..0
.... detail 1..1 BackboneElement In-line definition of activity
..... Slices for extension 1..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... deliveryType 1..1 (Complex) [DK] indsatsLeveringstype
URL: http://fhir.kl.dk/rehab/StructureDefinition/DeliveryType
....... value[x]
........ coding 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Binding: DeliveryTypes (required)
..... kind 0..0
..... instantiatesCanonical 0..0
..... instantiatesUri 0..0
..... code 1..1 CodeableConcept Detail type of activity
...... Slices for coding 0..* Coding [DK] indsatsskode
Slice: Unordered, Closed by value:system
....... coding:level2 0..1 Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Binding: KLTræningIndsatserFSIII (required)
........ system 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Required Pattern: urn:oid:
....... coding:level3 S 0..1 Coding Code defined by a terminology system
........ system 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Required Pattern: http://gateway.kl.dk/1.0/CodeSystem/LocallyDefinedInterventions
........ code 1..1 code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
........ display 1..1 string Representation defined by the system
..... reasonCode 0..0
..... reasonReference S 0..* Reference(KLGateway140Condition) {b} [DK] indsatsbegrundelse
..... goal 0..0
..... status 1..1 code [DK] indsatsAktivitetsstatus
..... statusReason 0..0
..... doNotPerform 0..0
..... scheduled[x] 0..0
..... location 0..0
..... performer 0..1 Reference(KLGateway140Organization) {b} [DK] indsatsleverandør
..... product[x] 0..0
..... dailyAmount 0..0
..... quantity 0..0
..... description 0..0
... note 0..0

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from this IG


klgateway-140-intervention-1errorCarePlanhas a reference to careplan if the intervention is a certain type of training
: activity.detail.code.coding.code = '7f825e3e-1a5c-4249-bf41-9f7171fb6b8a' or activity.detail.code.coding.code = '2abe20c7-c0b4-41c1-b397-52acf36499ef' or activity.detail.code.coding.code = '58293f63-00d7-4730-8dbc-c784d40f9e23' or activity.detail.code.coding.code = '2c661159-1bb3-4af2-bdf1-f3a9927a99e2' or activity.detail.code.coding.code = '8d714c98-f23a-4722-8a2f-85c162fe4840' or activity.detail.code.coding.code = '66fb32c9-ecc3-484b-be49-f20094be237c' or activity.detail.code.coding.code = 'f8ac963c-6ec5-4ec5-bd90-a22fea4e2d16' implies basedOn.exists()
klgateway-140-intervention-2errorCarePlandoes not have a reference to careplan if the intervention is a certain type of intervention
: activity.detail.code.coding.code = '1130ad70-6553-490d-87f8-5e8941687a0c' or activity.detail.code.coding.code = 'ba3e17bd-d4aa-4848-acad-25adc8285c19' implies basedOn.empty()


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron