Name | Value | Comments |
compose.inactive | | |
compose.lockedDate | | |
copyright | | |
date | 2024-06-13T16:55:49+02:00 | 2024-10-31T13:15:50+01:00 | |
description | Encounter types in Danish municipality health, social and elderly care (note that these are specific to this model, they are not replicas of a municipality terminology service) | |
experimental | false | |
immutable | | |
jurisdiction | | |
 jurisdiction[0] | | null#null | - Added the item 'null#null'
name | KLEncounterTypes | |
publisher | Kommunernes Landsforening | |
purpose | | |
status | active | |
title | KLKontaktTyper | |
url | | |
version | 2.1.0 | 2.2.0 | |