This page is part of the KLTerm (v1.1.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions 
: KLTilstandFFKoderFFB - TTL Representation
Raw ttl | Download
@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------
a fhir:ValueSet ;
fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
fhir:id [ fhir:v "KLConditionFFCodesFFB"] ; #
fhir:text [
fhir:status [ fhir:v "generated" ] ;
fhir:div "<div xmlns=\"\"><p>This value set includes codes based on the following rules:</p><ul><li>Include codes from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html\"><code>urn:oid:</code></a> where concept descends from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html#FFB-a134c31d-d316-46d4-935e-e500874dbbe1\">a134c31d-d316-46d4-935e-e500874dbbe1</a></li><li>Include codes from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html\"><code>urn:oid:</code></a> where concept descends from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html#FFB-25c5c614-305f-46cd-9891-55d564fc30cf\">25c5c614-305f-46cd-9891-55d564fc30cf</a></li><li>Include codes from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html\"><code>urn:oid:</code></a> where concept descends from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html#FFB-e1836145-0c20-4e20-971e-d62dfe4ea1a0\">e1836145-0c20-4e20-971e-d62dfe4ea1a0</a></li><li>Include codes from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html\"><code>urn:oid:</code></a> where concept descends from <a href=\"CodeSystem-FFB.html#FFB-4fb78b88-d3af-4cfb-84d7-f06daf423317\">4fb78b88-d3af-4cfb-84d7-f06daf423317</a></li></ul></div>"
] ; #
fhir:url [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI] ; #
fhir:version [ fhir:v "1.1.0"] ; #
fhir:name [ fhir:v "KLConditionFFCodesFFB"] ; #
fhir:title [ fhir:v "KLTilstandFFKoderFFB"] ; #
fhir:status [ fhir:v "active"] ; #
fhir:experimental [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean] ; #
fhir:date [ fhir:v "2023-07-10T23:04:47+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime] ; #
fhir:publisher [ fhir:v "Kommunernes Landsforening"] ; #
fhir:contact ( [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "Kommunernes Landsforening" ] ;
( fhir:telecom [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "url" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "" ] ] )
] ) ; #
fhir:description [ fhir:v "Danish municipality FFB condition codes for body functions and structures"] ; #
fhir:compose [
( fhir:include [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "urn:oid:"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
( fhir:filter [
fhir:property [ fhir:v "concept" ] ;
fhir:op [ fhir:v "descendent-of" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "a134c31d-d316-46d4-935e-e500874dbbe1" ] ] ) ] [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "urn:oid:"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
( fhir:filter [
fhir:property [ fhir:v "concept" ] ;
fhir:op [ fhir:v "descendent-of" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "25c5c614-305f-46cd-9891-55d564fc30cf" ] ] ) ] [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "urn:oid:"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
( fhir:filter [
fhir:property [ fhir:v "concept" ] ;
fhir:op [ fhir:v "descendent-of" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "e1836145-0c20-4e20-971e-d62dfe4ea1a0" ] ] ) ] [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "urn:oid:"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
( fhir:filter [
fhir:property [ fhir:v "concept" ] ;
fhir:op [ fhir:v "descendent-of" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "4fb78b88-d3af-4cfb-84d7-f06daf423317" ] ] ) ] )
] . #